Turkiet post

Turkiets nationella posttjänst


Spårning av Turkiet post paket och leveranser

My package was sent with Turkiet post, how do I track it?

The easiest way is to enter tracking number you received from the seller or online shop into the tracking field above.

You can also click through to the official website of courier company and try to find information yourself, navigating new website each time you encounter unfamiliar tracking number, translating information to your native language and finding out which company delivers package to your door.

With ParcelsApp.com your package is automatically tracked with all relevant couriers and in most cases last mile tracking number if found and tracked all the way from the origin country to your door.

When my Turkiet post package will be delivered?

Delivery time varies by the origin country, courier and postal companies involved, and destination country transit.

Sending a package from one country to another is like a big adventure for your item! Let's break it down into easy steps:

  1. Packing up: First, the sender carefully packs your item to keep it safe during its journey.
  2. Handing it over: The sender takes the package to a shipping company, like a post office or courier service.
  3. Starting the journey: The package begins its trip in the country it's sent from (let's say China, for example).
  4. Moving around the country: Your package might travel by truck or plane to different places within China.
  5. Saying goodbye to China: Before leaving the country, the package goes through a special check called "export customs." This is like getting a passport stamp for your item!
  6. The big trip begins: Now your package gets on a plane or a big ship to start its journey across the world.
  7. Pit stops: Sometimes, the package might visit another country on the way. This is called a "transshipment." Think of it as a layover for your package!
  8. Arriving in the new country: When your package reaches its destination country, it goes through another check called "import customs."
  9. Last leg of the journey: After clearing customs, your package travels within the new country to reach its final destination.
  10. Delivery day: Finally, a delivery person brings the package right to your door! Or you get a notification that package can be collected from the nearest post office branch or locker box.

The time all this takes can be different depending on a few things:

  • Which countries the package is traveling between
  • Which shipping company is handling your package
  • How the package is traveling (by air or sea)
  • How busy the postal services are in both countries

ParcelsApp.com accumulates statistics for most common types of packages and can estimate with 50-80% accuracy delivery timeframe for your packages given that last mile tracking number is provided by the origin carrier.

Why hasn't my tracking information been updated recently?

It's a common worry when your package seems to vanish into thin air - at least according to the tracking information. But fear not! There are several reasons why your tracking might not be updating, and most of them are perfectly normal.

The Silent Journey

Imagine your package on a long road trip. It's cruising down the highway, but there aren't any pit stops for miles. That's often what's happening when your tracking goes quiet. Your package is simply in transit between major checkpoints. This is especially true for international shipments or those covering vast distances. Your package might be sailing across an ocean or flying high above the clouds, far from any scanning devices.

The Busy Season

Now, picture the post office during the holidays. It's bustling with activity, packages piled high, and workers rushing to keep up. During these peak times, like major shopping events or holidays, tracking updates can lag behind. Your package is still moving, but the sheer volume of shipments means it might not get scanned as frequently.

The Customs Conundrum

If your package is crossing borders, it might hit a pause button at customs. Think of customs as a strict bouncer at an exclusive club. They're checking every package carefully, which can take time. During this process, your tracking might not update for days or even weeks. Don't worry - this is normal for international shipments.

Technical Hiccups

Sometimes, the issue isn't with your package at all, but with the tracking system itself. Like any technology, these systems can experience glitches. Your package might have been scanned, but that information is stuck in digital traffic, waiting to reach the tracking website you're refreshing every five minutes.

Weekend Lull

Weekends and holidays can create a tracking dead zone. Many shipping operations slow down or stop completely during these times. It's like your package is taking a little vacation too. Come Monday, you'll likely see a flurry of updates as everything gets moving again.

When to Raise the Alarm

While a lack of updates is usually nothing to worry about, there are times when you might want to investigate further. If domestic shipments go dark for more than a week, or international ones for more than two weeks, it's worth reaching out to the shipping company. The same goes if the estimated delivery date has long passed with no sign of your package.

Your Next Steps

If you're concerned, don't hesitate to contact the shipping company. They have access to more detailed information and can often provide reassurance or actiong when needed. Remember, patience is key in the world of shipping. More often than not, your package is steadily making its way to you, even if the tracking doesn't reflect every step of its journey.

How can I find out if my package is stuck in customs?

Finding out if your package is stuck in customs can be a bit tricky, but here are some steps you can take:

  1. Check your tracking information:
    • Look for status updates like "Held in Customs" or "Customs Clearance"
    • Pay attention to the location of your package - if it's been in the same place for several days, it might be in customs
  2. Contact the shipping company:
    • Call their customer service line
    • Provide your tracking number and ask for more details
    • They might have additional information not shown in the online tracking
  3. Check with local customs office:
    • Find the contact information for the customs office in the destination country
    • You may need to provide the tracking number and package details
  4. Look for customs forms:
    • Check your email for any forms sent by customs or the shipping company
    • These forms might require additional information or payment
  5. Be patient:
    • Customs processing can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks
    • Delays are common, especially during busy periods or for international shipments

Common reasons for customs delays:

  • Incomplete or incorrect customs declaration forms
  • Restricted or prohibited items
  • Outstanding customs fees or taxes
  • Random security checks
  • High volume of packages during peak seasons

Remember: If your package is stuck in customs, it's usually not lost. It's just going through necessary checks and processes.

If you've confirmed your package is stuck in customs, you may need to:

  • Provide additional information about the package contents
  • Pay any required customs fees or taxes
  • In some cases, you might need to submit a formal customs clearance request

Tip: Always keep your tracking number handy and don't hesitate to reach out to the shipping company for assistance. They're often your best resource for navigating customs issues.

Can I change the delivery address after my package has been shipped?

Parcels är en iOS- och Android-app, som hjälper dig att spåra leveranser levererade av Turkiet post.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Ladda ner Parcels-appen för iPhone eller Android för att alltid veta var dina paket är, och få Push-meddelanden när paketspårningsändringar ändras.

Status för Turkiet post spårning

Status Beskrivning
Sipariþ Hazýrlanma Aþamasýnda/Item Is Pre-advised
Gönderi Yurtdýþýna Sevk Edildi/Item Forwarded to Destination Country
Kabul Edildi
The item was forwarded to the destination country
Receive item at office of exchange
Send item to customs
PTT Ýþyerine Geldi
PTT Ýþyerine Sevk Edildi
Send item to domestic location
Send item abroad
Posta Teslim Bordrosu Mübadele Servisine Geldi
Yurtdýþý Kabul Geliþ Kaydý Yapýldý
Receive item at delivery office
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No
Teslim Edildi
Receive item from customer
Deliver item
Gümrükten Çýktý
Torba Geliþ Kaydý Yapýldý
ÝSTANBUL KÝM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
ANADOLU YAK.KÝM. Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
ANKARA KARGO ÝÞL.MER Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Unsuccessful item delivery attempt
Gümrüðe Sevk Edildi
Torbaya Eklendi
PTT Ýþyerinde Bekliyor
ANTALYA P.Ý.M Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Alýcý Merkez Torbayý Açtý
Teslim Ýptal Edildi
Zimmet Alýndý
Torba Kapandý
Depodan Gönderi Çýkartýldý
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40096605
ÝZMÝR KARGO ÝÞL.MRK. Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Teslim Edilemedi
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40051686
ANTALYA P.Ý.M Merkezine Sevk ??lemi Gerçekle?ti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40101487
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40090948
Gönderi, PTT tarafýndan teslim alýndý
Cihet Hazýrlama Listesine Eklendi
LÜLEBURGAZ PÝDM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40050840
Gönderi bekletiliyor
ANKARA KARGO ÝÞL.MER Merkezine Sevk ??lemi Gerçekle?ti
Item was uplifted to flight to destination country
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40109861
Köy Daðýtýmýna Tabi Bekliyor
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40086260
Cihetten Gönderi Çýkarýldý
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40114283
Gönderinin gümrük muayenesi gerçekleþtiriliyor
TRABZON P.Ý.D.M Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40113076
MERSÝN P.Ý.M Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40083832
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40108266
PTB'den Çýkarýldý
Item arrived to destination country
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40102846
AFYONKARAHÝSAR PÝDM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40086263
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40087701
Transit Torba Torbaya Eklendi
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40104265
Alýcý adresi yanlýþ veya eksik
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40104528
Torbadan Çýkarýldý
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40112661
DENÝZLÝ PÝDM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40101357
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40114660
ERZURUM P.Ý.D.M Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Gönderi teslim alýndý
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:18216
AYDIN DTM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Gönderi, geri iade edildi. Lütfen PTT ile temasa geçiniz
SAKARYA PÝM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
BURSA P.Ý.M Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Send item out of sorting centre
Sipari? Sevk Edilmek ?çin Haz?r/Item Is Ready for Ship
GAZÝANTEP P.Ý.M Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:7
ADANA P.Ý.M Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Gümrükte Tutuluyor
Taþýma gerçekleþiyor
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40106277
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40083284
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40108631
MEVLANA P.Ý.M. Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40096604
ANTAKYA DTM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
SÝVAS P.Ý.M Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Gönderi Yurtd???na Sevk Edildi/Item Forwarded to Destination Country
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40102818
SERÝK Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40097143
Taþýma tamamlandý
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40109860
ÝZMÝT DAÐITIM VE TOPLAMA MERKEZÝ Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40057520
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40104517
ELAZIÐ DTM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40100707
ÝSTANBUL KÝM Merkezine Sevk ??lemi Gerçekle?ti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40097294
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40111609
ÝSTANBUL UKÝM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40086851
Daðýtým noktasýnda
ALTINORDU Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
MANÝSA DTM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40096322
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40109454
ÜZÜMLÜ Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
ÝADE-Kabul Edilmedi
SAMSUN 75.YIL PÝM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Sipari? Haz?rlanma A?amas?nda/Item Is Pre-advised
Torbadan Alìndì
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40108259
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40109447
MENTEÞE Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40107432
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40102832
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40097936
Gönderi bir sonraki operasyonel iþlem için yönlendirildi
Item is at agent werehouse
Receive item at collection point for pick-up
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40103042
KAYSERÝ P.Ý.D.M Merkezine Sevk ??lemi Gerçekle?ti
Rota belirleniyor
Sistemden Çýkartýldý
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40101570
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40111202
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40071520
Sipariþ Sevk Edilmek Ýçin Hazýr/Item Is Ready for Ship
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40049894
Gönderi Hizmet Merkezinden ayrýldý
Item departed from origin
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40083407
Return item from customs
ÝZMÝR KARGO DAÐ.MRK. Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40106285
ÝADE-Adres Yetersiz
ÝST.ULUSLARARASI PÝM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:5421
Update item
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40097252
ÝADE-Ýthali Yasak
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:15811
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40056905
Remove item from bag
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40056766
Zimmet Edildi
MAHMUTLAR Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
ÝZMÝT DAÐITIM VE TOPLAMA MERKEZÝ Merkezine Sevk ??lemi Gerçekle?ti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40104516
BAÞAKÞEHÝR KARGO DTM Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40097108
GÖLBAÞI-ADI. Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40100727
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40086440
AÐRI Merkezine Sevk Ýþlemi Gerçekleþti
Daðýtýcýya Verildi-Cihet No:40113635
Depart for delivery to addressee
Forwarded. de Unidade de Logistica Integrada em CURITIBA / PR para Unidade Operacional em Brasil - Liberado sem Tributacao RFB / BR
Objeto encaminhado,de Unidade de Logística Integrada em CURITIBA / PR para Unidade Operacional em Brasil - Liberado sem Tributação RFB / BR
Received by the Brazil Post. Object subject to inspection and delay on delivery
Receive item at office of exchange (Inb)
Objeto recebido pelos Correios do Brasil
Received by the Brazil Post,Object subject to inspection and delay on delivery
Item arrived to destination country.
Item was uplifted to flight to destination country.
Forwarded. de Pais em TURQUIA / para Pacs em BRASIL / BR
The item was forwarded to the destination country (Otb)
Objeto encaminhado,de País em TURQUIA / para País em BRASIL / BR
Objeto postado
Item is at agent warehouse
Item Is Ready for Ship
Item Forwarded to Destination Country
Despatched from yanwen sorting center.
Process completed in yanwen sorting center.
The item information was created by the seller.
Item Is Pre-advised

by tisunov