Cainiao – популярная китайская логистическая компания, входящая в состав Alibaba Group. Ранее организация занималась почтовыми перевозками внутри страны, теперь же – лидер по отправлениям эконом-класса в любые уголки мира. Cainiao – способ доставки практически неотслеживаемых почтовых отправлений, исключения – до границы Китая или до таможни Екатеринбурга, там и присваивается новый неизвестный никому номер. Базовый срок доставки – 30-70 дней. Посылки иногда приходят в почтовый ящик. Когда вы видите в Aliexpress название транспортной компании AliExpress Saver Shipping или Aliexpress Standard Shipping то отслеживание производится через службу Cainiao. Оповестить о поступлении могут и по телефону из местного отделения почты.
Преимущество данного поставщика посылок очевидно – низкая стоимость отправки, что дает нам получать товары, заказанные в интернет-магазинах с бесплатной доставкой. Недостатки в неопределенности их местонахождения и низкой скорости пересылки. Не забывайте отслеживать гарантийные сроки защиты товара и вовремя открывать спор, если Вы не дождались мелкого пакета в отведенное время. Воспользуйтесь нашим бесплатным автоматическим сервисом для отслеживания любых внутренних и международных почтовых посылок и корреспонденции.
Мы перевели все возможные статусы посылок при отслеживании на чтобы вы могли узнать где находится ваша посылка и что с ней.
Посылки - приложение для iOS и Android, с помощью которого ты можешь отследить свое почтовое отправление доставляемое Cainiao.
Статус | Перевод/Описание |
电子信息已收到 | Электронная информация получена |
Warehouse processing complete | Обработка на складе завершена |
Successful departure from Warehouse | Успешно покинуло склад |
Successful package picked up by Warehouse | Прибыло на склад |
Shipment arrived at facility | Сортировка центром 4px Express |
卖家发货 | Продавец отправил посылку |
Shipment operation completed | Означает фактическую отправку посылки продавцом через 4PX Express |
Arrive at Airport | Прибытие в аэропорт |
计划交航 | Запланирован авиаперелет |
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-KE604-0529,计划起飞时间 | Запланирован вылет рейсом TRUCK-KE604-0529 |
计划交航(国内经转) | Посылка отправлена в аэропорт |
Shipped by air | Отправлено Авиапочтой |
Item has been registered | Успешно зарегистрировано |
The item is not yet in Posti | Еще не поступило на склад |
【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Прибыло в международный сортировочный центр. |
Item received for processing | Принято в обработку |
【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Покинуло международный сортировочный центр. (Шэньчжэнь) |
Order dispatched | Посылка отправлена |
Depart from facility | Покинуло склад |
Order departed on flight from origin | Посылка вылетела из страны отправителя |
The item is in transport | Транспортировка. |
Dispatch PreAlert to Russian Fed | Отправлено в РФ |
Successful package received by Warehouse | Товар успешно прибыл на склад |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Russian Fed | Товар в РФ |
Item has arrived to warehouse | Товар поступил на склад. |
The item is on its way to the destination country | Товар находится в пути в страну назначения |
Item Sent to RUSSIAN FEDERATION | Товар отправили в РФ |
Order departed from sorting hub | Заказ вылетел из центра сортировки |
计划交航,计划航班号RU120,计划起飞时间 | Запланирован вылет |
Item has departed from the warehouse | Товар выехал со склада |
【深圳】Export customs clearance complete | Проходит экспортное таможенное оформление |
Item Arrived at Domodevo | Товар прибыл в "Домодедово" |
Received from Customer | Принято от отправителя |
计划交航,计划航班号CZ355,计划起飞时间 | Запланировано выслать посылку рейсом CZ355 |
Shipment information received | Получена информация об отправлении |
Item in transit | Товар в пути |
【广州互换局】已开拆 | Бюро обмена в Гуанчжоу, была открыта |
Item received | Товар принят |
Item dispatched | Товар отправлен |
【金华】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
【广州】arrive export exchange | Экспорт |
Received in Shenzhen | Прибыло в сортировочный центр (Шэньчжэнь ) |
Hong Kong - Shipped by air | Гонконг - отправлен по воздуху |
Arrived at the sorting center | Прибыло в сортировочный центр. |
Arrived at transferring country - Finland in | Прибыло в Финляндию |
Held by Customs at Destination | Таможенное оформление |
Hand over to airline | Погрузка в самолет |
Departed from transferring country -Finland out | Отправлено из Финляндии |
Notification of shipment confirmation | Уведомление о подтверждении отгрузки |
Arrival at Destination (Exchange Office) | Прибытие в пункт назначения |
Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen | Прибыло на склад в Шэньчжэнь. |
Item received by shipper in shenzhen | Товар получен от грузоотправителя (Шэньчжэнь) |
Transit to Air Transit Centre | Транзит по воздуху |
Airline inspection succeeded in HK | Пройдена проверка службой безопасности авиакомпании |
Leave the processing center and shipped | Покинуло сортировочный центр |
计划交航,计划航班号CA839,计划起飞时间 | Запланирован вылет рейсом CA839 |
Shipment operation completed at facility Erlianhaote | Завершена операция отгрузки. |
【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Центр обработки (Гуанчжоу), внутренний транзит |
【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Отправлено из центра обработки в Гуанчжоу, внутренний транзит |
Order awaiting customs clearance | Заказ в ожидании таможенного оформления |
Departure from outward office of exchange | Покинуло промежуточный пункт |
Received in Shanghai | Поступило в Шанхай |
Arrived at transferring country | Экспорт в страну назначения |
In transit | В пути |
Shanghai - Shipped by air | Шанхай - отправлен по воздуху |
Dispatch received at the sorting center | Отправление поступило в сортировочный центр. |
【东莞】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление завершено |
Departed from transferring country | Покинуло страну отправителя |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已封发(国内经转) | Отправлено из бюро международных посылок (Дунгуань) |
Order customs cleared and lodged with local delivery agent | Прошло таможню |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已收寄(国内经转) | Поступило в бюро международных посылок (Дунгуань) |
Status updates may be available from destination carrier | Передана почтовой службе |
【广州】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
Ожидает прибытия в страну назначения (получателя) | |
计划交航,计划航班号OZ350-OZ793,计划起飞时间 | Запланировано время вылета на рейсах OZ350-OZ793 |
Acceptance | Прием |
Order received into final destination country | Импорт в страну назначения |
Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление завершено |
【金华市小包分局】已收寄(国内经转) | Получено на почте в Цзиньхуа (внутренний транзит) |
【金华市小包分局】已封发(国内经转) | Отправлен из Цзиньхуа (внутренний транзит) |
【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已收寄(国内经转) | Отправлено внутренним транзитом в Чжэцзян. |
【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已封发(国内经转) | Отправлено внутренним транзитом из Чжэцзяна. |
Airlines or trucks Arrived at destination country | Прибыло в страну назначения |
Russia post in transit | Почта России, транзит |
【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已收寄(国内经转) | Прибыло в Ханчжоу |
【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已封发(国内经转) | Отправлен из Ханчжоу |
Received | Получено |
Held by Custom | Проведено таможней |
Item pre-advice received | Предварительная информация о посылке получена |
Receptacle arrives Omniva Tallin facility | Прибыло в Таллин |
Export of international mail | Экспорт международной почты |
【小包中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Внутренний транзит |
Customs Clearance | Таможенное оформление |
【上海】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
Outbound clearance completed successfully and loaded to airline | Успешно прошло оформление и погружено в самолет |
交接成功 | Пересылка завершена успешно |
【广商国际小包】已收寄(国内经转) | Принято на международной почте |
【广商国际小包】已封发(国内经转) | Отправлено международной почтой |
Received at Processing Facility | Принято в промежуточный пункт |
Shipment operation completed at facility Haerbin | Операция отгрузки завершена на объекте г. Харбин |
【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | Прибыло в Нанкин |
【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已封发(国内经转) | Покинуло почтовый офис, Нанкин, Китай |
【温州】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
Item arrived at OE in the destination country | Товар прибыл в место международного обмена в стране назначения |
【苏州】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
计划交航,计划航班号TK027,计划起飞时间 | Запланировано время вылета рейсом TK027 |
Shipment is handed over to airport | Груз передан в аэропорт |
【泉州市邮政函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | Поступило в почтовый центр, Цюаньчжоу |
【中国邮政集团公司苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Покинуло почтовый центр, Сучжоу, Китай |
【中国邮政集团公司苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Поступило в центр обработки, Китай |
【泉州市邮政函件局】已封发(国内经转) | Отправлено из почтового центра Цюаньчжоу |
Item Arrived at Russian Fed | Отправление прибыло в Россию |
Shipment order created | Заказ создан |
Processing Arrived at the sorting center | Прибыло в сортировочный центр. |
Processed Through Facility | Обработка |
【杭州】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
【北京】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Отправлено получателю(внутренний транзит) |
【武汉大宗收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Поступило в центр обработки посылок, Вухан (Китай) |
【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已封发(国内经转) | Трансграничная электронная коммерция, единый Центр услуг. Было отправлено (внутренний транзит) |
Shipment arrived at facility Guangzhou | Груз прибыл на заводе Гуанчжоу |
【武汉大宗收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | Wuhan bulk posting Center] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Shipment operation completed at facility Guangzhou | Операция завершена отгрузка на заводе Гуанчжоу |
Left the sorting center | Покинуло сортировочный центр |
Arrived at USPS Facility | Прибыл в Учреждение УСПС |
Departed from Stockholm Arlanda Airport | Отошли от аэропорта Стокгольм-Арланда |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country: XX) - for OM PLUS only | Подготовка к отправке в страну назначения |
【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | Wenzhou two packs of centralized posting Center] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【小包中心】已封发(国内经转) | Small Center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Wenzhou two packs of centralized posting Center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
Receptacle departs from Omniva Tallin facility | Покинуло склад в Таллине |
【中国邮政集团公司宁波市电商包裹局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Ningbo Electric package Board] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Departed from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport | Вылетел из Московского аэропорта Шереметьево |
【中国邮政集团公司宁波市电商包裹局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group Company of Ningbo electricity supplier Parcel Office】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【宁波】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
【南京】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Wuxi city bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
Dispatching | Диспетчеризация |
【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Wuxi city bulk mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Import of international mail | Импорт международной почты. |
【青岛市邮政局函件广告局销售部受理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Циндао, прием (внутренний транзит) |
arrive export exchange | Экспорт |
【青岛市邮政局函件广告局销售部受理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Циндао, отправлено(внутренний транзит) |
Departed from Helsinki | Вылетели из Хельсинки |
Reception at custom house | Прием на таможню. |
【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group company Foshan-mail philatelic Bureau】has been posting(domestic transit) |
Departed USPS Facility | Покинул объект УСПС |
Order delivered | Заказ |
【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group company Foshan-mail philatelic Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【福州】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
Initial item information received | Начальный пункт полученной информации |
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH1488,计划起飞时间 | Plan flight plan flight LH8411-LH1488, with a planned flight time. |
[深圳]【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Покинуло международный сортировочный центр. (Шэньчжэнь) |
【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已封发 | Yiwu International e-Commerce branch】has been dispatched |
【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已收寄 | Yiwu International e-Commerce branch】has been posting |
[深圳]【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Прибыло в международный сортировочный центр. |
计划交航,计划航班号TK27-283,计划起飞时间 | Plan flight plan flight TK27-283, with a planned flight time. |
Delivery attempt | Попытка доставки |
【中山市邮政局函件集邮局商函广告公司】已收寄(国内经转) | Zhongshan post office mail philatelic Bureau, business letter, advertising company] has the recipient sent(domestic transit) |
计划交航,计划航班号LH727-2544,计划起飞时间 | Plan flight plan flight LH727-2544, with a planned flight time. |
【中山市邮政局函件集邮局商函广告公司】已封发(国内经转) | Zhongshan post office mail philatelic Bureau, business letter, advertising company] has been terminated(domestic transit) |
【福州中转仓】已收寄(国内经转) | Fuzhou transit warehouse] the received mail(domestic transit) |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Dongguan City post office electricity supplier Parcel office-mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Dongguan City post office electricity supplier Parcel office-mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
In lavorazione presso il Centro Operativo Postale | In the processing at the operations Center Post |
In lavorazione presso il Centro Scambi Internazionale | Working at the Centre for International Trade, which is |
【福州中转仓】已封发(国内经转) | Fuzhou transit warehouse】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Shipment arrived at facility Haerbin | Груз прибыл в г. Харбин |
Customs clearance processing complete | Таможенное оформление полной обработки |
【汕头市邮政小包处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Shantou postal packet processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
Item Arrived at Pulkovo | Товар прибыл в Пулково |
【厦门市大宗邮件集中处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Xiamen bulk mail centralized processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
[广州]【广州互换局】已开拆 | [Guangzhou]【Guangzhou interchange Bureau】has been open |
【厦门市大宗邮件集中处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Xiamen bulk mail centralized Processing Centre] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Arrived at USPS Origin Facility | Прибывшие на УСПС Фонда источника |
【汕头市邮政小包处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Shantou postal packet processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Delivery attempted, unsuccessful | Поставка попытка, неудачная |
Shipment arrived at facility Shanghai | Груз прибыл на заводе в Шанхае |
Item dispatched out Russian Fed | Товар отправляется из Российской Фед |
【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Bulk mail acceptance processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Posting/Collection | Публикации/Коллекция |
【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Bulk mail acceptance processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
[深圳]【小包中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Shenzhen] the [small Center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
【金华市小包分局】已封发 | Jinhua small branch】has been dispatched |
Принято на хранилище неперерегистрированного партнера | |
【金华市小包分局】已收寄 | Jinhua small branch of] the received mail |
【南昌市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | Отправлено из почтового отделения Наньчана |
【长沙县信广中心】已封发(国内经转) | Changsha County letter Wide Center] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【南昌市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | Получено почтовым отделением Наньчана. |
【长沙县信广中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Changsha County letter Wide Center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
Shipment operation completed at facility Shenzhen | Операция отгрузки завершена Шэньчжэнь на заводе |
Dispatch from outward office of exchange | Отправка из внешнего офиса обмена |
【广州国际】已开拆 | Guangzhou International】is already open |
Handed to customs | Передал в таможню |
Posting | Проводки |
Shipment scanned at facility Erlianhaote | Пересылка по этой на объекте Erlianhaote |
Posted | Опубликовано |
[HKG]Hong Kong - Shipped by air | |
【苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Suzhou city bulk mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[SZX]Received in Shenzhen | |
【苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Suzhou city bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
【开平市邮政局广告公司】已收寄(国内经转) | Kaiping city post office advertising company] has the recipient sent(domestic transit) |
Item being handed over to the airline | Погрузка в самолет |
[深圳]【小包中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Shenzhen] the [small centre] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【合肥大宗处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Hefei bulk Processing Centre] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【合肥大宗处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Hefei bulk Processing Centre] has been posting(domestic transit) |
Прозвон получателя | |
【郑州】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
Flight landed to transit destination | Вылетело в страну назначения. |
Successful package pick-up | Погрузка в транспорт. |
Picked Up | Взял |
Arrival at international office of exchange | Прибытие в международный офис обмена |
Item processed Russian Fed | Товар переработанной Российской Фед |
Item held by Customs Others | Товар задерживается таможней другим |
【开平市邮政局广告公司】已封发(国内经转) | Kaiping city post office advertising company] has been terminated(domestic transit) |
【赣州市大宗邮件集中收集处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Ganzhou city bulk mail centralized collection and Processing Centre] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[HEL]Arrived at transferring country - Finland in | |
【赣州市大宗邮件集中收集处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Ganzhou city bulk mail centralized collection and processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
【深圳】Shipped by air | 深圳】Shipped by air |
Shipment arrived at facility Yiwu | Груз прибыл в yiwu объекта |
[广州]【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Guangzhou]【Guangzhou small commodity collection mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[广州]【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Guangzhou]【Guangzhou small commodity collection mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
[苏州]【中国邮政集团公司苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Suzhou]【China Post Group Corporation, Suzhou city bulk mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【郑州帐单处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Zhengzhou billing processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【郑州帐单处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Zhengzhou billing processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
[苏州]【中国邮政集团公司苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Suzhou]【China Post Group Corporation, Suzhou city bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
Reception | Прием |
[金华]【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已收寄(国内经转) | [Jinhua]【China Post Group Corporation, Zhejiang Province, Yiwu City mail order distribution company] has the recipient sent(domestic transit) |
【合肥】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Belarus | Пункт разместил более счетчика в Беларуси |
[HEL]Departed from transferring country -Finland out | |
[SHA]Received in Shanghai | Поступило в Шанхай |
Despatch from Sorting Center | Отправка из сортировочный Центр |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Ukraine | Пункт разместил более счетчика на Украину |
[金华]【金华市小包分局】已封发(国内经转) | [Jinhua]【Jinhua small branch】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Dispatch PreAlert to Ukraine | Отправка PreAlert в Украине |
【中国邮政集团公司泰州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group company in Taizhou city bulk mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[金华]【金华市小包分局】已收寄(国内经转) | [Jinhua]【Jinhua small branch of] the received mail(domestic transit) |
【中国邮政集团公司泰州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group company in Taizhou city bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
[金华]【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已封发(国内经转) | [Jinhua]【China Post Group Corporation, Zhejiang Province, Yiwu City mail order distribution company] has been terminated(domestic transit) |
[东莞]【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已封发(国内经转) | [Dongguan]【Dongguan City post office electricity supplier parcel of Bureau of international Parcel processing Group】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[HEL]Departed from Helsinki | |
[东莞]【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已收寄(国内经转) | [Dongguan]【Dongguan City post office electricity supplier parcel of Bureau of international Parcel processing group] the received mail(domestic transit) |
【无锡邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Wuxi post office bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
[SHA]Shanghai - Shipped by air | |
Arrival at Sorting Center | Прибытие в сортировочный Центр |
Your order has been successfully cancelled | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Belarus | Отправка PreAlert в Беларуси |
Item Arrived at Belarus | Товар прибыл в Беларусь |
Item Sent to BELARUS | Товар отправлен в Беларусь |
Item Sent to UKRAINE | Товар отправлен в Украину |
【青岛】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
[泉州]【泉州市邮政函件局】已封发(国内经转) | [Quanzhou]【Quanzhou postal letter Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[泉州]【泉州市邮政函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | [Quanzhou]【Quanzhou postal letter Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
【广州】Shipped by air | 广州】Shipped by air |
【安吉小包收寄处】已封发(国内经转) | Angie small posting place] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【安吉小包收寄处】已收寄(国内经转) | Angie small posting place] has been posting(domestic transit) |
Item released from customs | Товар освобожден от таможенной |
【杭州市国际业务局】已封发(国内经转) | Hangzhou International Operations Department】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[北京]【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Beijing] [the cross-border e-Commerce comprehensive service center] has the recipient sent(domestic transit) |
【杭州市国际业务局】已收寄(国内经转) | Hangzhou International Service Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Прошло предпочтовую подготовку | |
【温州市两包集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Wenzhou two packs of centralized collection mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[上海]【广商国际小包】已封发(国内经转) | [Shanghai]【wide provider of international parcel】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【温州市两包集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Wenzhou two packs of centralized collection mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
Presa in carico | Taking charge |
[上海]【广商国际小包】已收寄(国内经转) | [Shanghai]【wide provider of international Parcel] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Item Arrived at Boryspil | Товар прибыл в Борисполь |
【武汉】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
【金华】Shipped by air | 金华】Shipped by air |
[北京]【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Beijing] [the cross-border e-Commerce Integrated Services Centre] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Item Sent to ISRAEL | |
Unsuccessful delivery | Неудачной доставке |
[杭州]【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已封发(国内经转) | [Hangzhou] [the China Post Group Corporation, Hangzhou business Small Business Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Доставлено Почтой России | |
[Haerbin]Shipment operation completed at facility Haerbin | |
Departed from Luxembourg | Вылетел из Люксембурга |
[杭州]【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已收寄(国内经转) | [Hangzhou] [the China Post Group Corporation, Hangzhou business small business office] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Israel | |
【中国邮政集团公司滁州市分公司函件广告分局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group company Chuzhou branch company mail advertising Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【成都】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
[Shenzhen]Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen | Прибыло на склад в Шэньчжэнь. |
【中国邮政集团公司滁州市分公司函件广告分局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group company Chuzhou branch company mail advertising Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Dispatch PreAlert to Israel | |
[南京]【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已封发(国内经转) | [Nanjing]【China Post Group Corporation, Nanjing post letter Office】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[南京]【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | [Nanjing]【China Post Group Corporation, Nanjing post letter office] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Delivered | Доставили |
【中邮石家庄仓】已收寄(国内经转) | In the post Shijiazhuang cartridge] the received mail(domestic transit) |
[SHENZHEN]交接成功 | [SHENZHEN]transfer successful |
【佛山市邮政局函件集邮局】已封发(国内经转) | Foshan post office mail philatelic Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[宁波]【中国邮政集团公司宁波市电商包裹局】已封发(国内经转) | [Ningbo]【China Post Group Corporation Ningbo Electric package Board】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
交易关闭未发货 | The transaction closed unshipped |
[宁波]【中国邮政集团公司宁波市电商包裹局】已收寄(国内经转) | [Ningbo]【China Post Group Corporation Ningbo Electric package Board] the received mail(domestic transit) |
【福州市国际小包收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Fuzhou International parcel received mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[Ekaterinburg MMPO Uch-6 620984]Processing Arrived at the sorting center | Екатеринбург "ММПО" уч-6 620984, обработка, прибыло в сортировочный центр. |
Shipment operation completed at facility Yiwu | Операция отгрузки завершена в ИУ объекта |
Processing,Left the sorting center | Обработка, покинуло сортировочный центр |
Shipment information sent to SFC | Информация об отправлении отправлена в ДСЕ |
【福州市国际小包收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Fuzhou International parcel received mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
【广商国际小包】已封发 | Wide provider of international parcel】has been dispatched |
[Haerbin]Shipment is handed over to airport | |
[ARN]Departed from Stockholm Arlanda Airport | |
【广商国际小包】已收寄 | Wide provider of international parcel】has been posting |
Item processed at Russian Fed | Деталь обрабатывается в Российской Фед |
【中国邮政集团公司惠州市分公司函件广告局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Huizhou branch company mail advertising Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Received in Hong Kong | |
【中国邮政集团公司惠州市分公司函件广告局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Huizhou branch company mail advertising Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Shipment arrived at facility CAN | |
【许昌市分公司大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Xuchang branch bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
[武汉]【武汉大宗收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Wuhan]【Wuhan bulk posting Center] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[武汉]【武汉大宗收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Wuhan]【Wuhan bulk posting Center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
The consignment was posted | Груз был размещен |
【东莞】Shipped by air | 东莞】Shipped by air |
【中邮石家庄仓】已封发(国内经转) | In the post Shijiazhuang warehouse】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【高楼邮政支局】已封发(国内经转) | High-rise post office】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Handed over to Customs | Передано таможне |
Consegnata | Delivered |
【南京市邮政局函件广告局】已封发(国内经转) | Nanjing post letter advertising Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【高楼邮政支局】已收寄(国内经转) | High-rise post office】a received mail(domestic transit) |
Processing,Arrived at the place of delivery | Обработка,прибыло в место вручения |
[东莞]【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Dongguan]【Dongguan City post office electricity supplier Parcel office-mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【佛山市邮政局函件集邮局】已收寄 | Foshan post office mail philatelic Bureau】has been posting |
【南京市邮政局函件广告局】已收寄(国内经转) | Nanjing post letter advertising Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Partito dal Centro Scambi Internazionale | The party from the Centre for International Trade, which is |
[东莞]【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Dongguan]【Dongguan City post office electricity supplier Parcel office-mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
[SVO]Departed from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport | |
Processing,Left the place of international exchange | Обработка,покинуло место международного обмена. |
[无锡]【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Wuxi]【China Post Group Corporation Wuxi city bulk mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[温州]【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Wenzhou]【Wenzhou two packs of centralized posting Center] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Customs clearance,Released by custom house | Таможенное оформление,выпущено таможней. |
[无锡]【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Wuxi]【China Post Group Corporation Wuxi city bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
[温州]【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Wenzhou]【Wenzhou two packs of centralized posting Center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
Departed from Finland | |
[汕头]【汕头市邮政小包处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Shantou]【Shantou postal packet processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
【许昌市分公司大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Xuchang branch bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[汕头]【汕头市邮政小包处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Shantou]【Shantou postal packet processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[金华]【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已封发 | [Jinhua]【Yiwu International e-Commerce branch】has been dispatched |
【晋江市函件分局】已封发(国内经转) | Jinjiang mail precinct】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Arrived at post office | Прибыл в почтовое отделение |
[金华]【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已收寄 | [Jinhua]【Yiwu International e-Commerce branch】has been posting |
【晋江市函件分局】已收寄(国内经转) | Jinjiang city communications Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
【无锡】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
Processing,Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation | Прибыла на территорию Российской Федерации. |
【宁波市包裹业务局】已封发 | Ningbo package business office】has been dispatched |
Item delivered | Вручение |
【宁波市包裹业务局】已收寄 | Ningbo package business office】has been posting |
Receive item at office of exchange (Inb) | Получить товар в офисе биржи (Инб) |
[佛山]【佛山市邮政局函件集邮局】已封发(国内经转) | [Foshan]【Foshan City, post office mail philatelic Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Final delivery | Окончательной доставки |
【厦门】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
Parcel arrives airport | Посылка прибудет в аэропорт |
【珠海大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Zhuhai bulk mail acceptance processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【南通邮政局函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | Nantong post office-mail office] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Item Sent to LATVIA | |
[佛山]【佛山市邮政局函件集邮局】已收寄 | [Foshan]【Foshan City, post office mail philatelic Bureau】has been posting |
Mutual development | Взаимное развитие |
【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已封发(国内经转) | Yiwu International e-Commerce branch】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Unsuccessful attempt of delivery,Temporary absence of the addressee | Неудачная попытка вручения,временное отсутствие адресата |
Item Posted Over The Counter to USA | |
【珠海大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Zhuhai bulk mail acceptance processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Latvia | |
【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已收寄(国内经转) | Yiwu International e-Commerce branch of] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Shipmnet arrived at destination country | Shipmnet прибыл в страну назначения |
Dispatch PreAlert to USA | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Latvia | |
Shipment delivered | Доставку |
【梧州河西邮政所】已收寄(国内经转) | Wuzhou Hexi post】a received mail(domestic transit) |
Item Arrived at Ukraine | Товар прибыл на Украину |
Gönderi Yurtdışına Sevk Edildi/Item Forwarded to Destination Country | Were shipped overseas shipment/Item is forwarded to destination country |
【上海】Shipped by air | 上海】Shipped by air |
[天津]【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Tianjin]【bulk mail acceptance processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Dispatch PreAlert to Uzbekistan | Отправка PreAlert в Узбекистан |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Others due to Action: Others | Неудачной доставке за счет других из-за действий: другие |
【梧州河西邮政所】已封发(国内经转) | Wuzhou Hexi post】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
[天津]【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Tianjin]【bulk mail acceptance processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
Insert item into bag (Otb) | Вставка элемента в мешке (Отб) |
交易成功 | Trading success |
Processing,Handed to a mail carrier | Обработка,вручил почтальон |
[LUX]Departed from Luxembourg | |
Item Sent to UZBEKISTAN | Товар отправили в Узбекистан |
Item Arrived at Moldova | Товар прибыл в Молдову |
【中国邮政集团公司镇江市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Zhenjiang city communications Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【福州】Shipped by air | 福州】Shipped by air |
[苏州]【苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | [Suzhou]【Suzhou city bulk mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Item in distribution phase | Пункт в распределении фазы |
Processing,Arrived at the sorting center | Обработка,прибыло в сортировочный центр |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Uzbekistan | Товар размещен по счетчику в Узбекистан |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: RU) | Прибытие в пункт назначения сообщение (Страна: ru) |
Item Sent to MOLDOVA | Пункт отправлены в Молдову |
【中国邮政集团公司镇江市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Zhenjiang city communications Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
[苏州]【苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Suzhou]【Suzhou city bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: RU) | Отправил на зарубежные (код страны: Россия) |
Item Arrived at Istanbul Ataturk | |
Received at Destination Processing Facility | Полученные при переработке назначения |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Moldova | Товар размещен по счетчику в Молдове |
Shipment Shipped | |
【泉州】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
[佛山]【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已封发(国内经转) | [Foshan]【China Post Group company Foshan-mail philatelic Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Item Sent to TURKEY | |
Parcel arrives hub | Посылка прибудет ступицы |
Deliver item (Inb) | Доставить товар (Инб) |
[佛山]【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已收寄(国内经转) | [Foshan]【China Post Group company Foshan-mail philatelic Bureau】has been posting(domestic transit) |
Dispatch PreAlert to Moldova | Отправка PreAlert в Молдове |
Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: RU) | Прибытие в процессинговый центр (код страны: Россия) |
【佛山市邮政局函件集邮局】已收寄(国内经转) | Foshan post office mail philatelic Bureau】has been posting(domestic transit) |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Turkey | |
Parcel customs cleared | Посылка растаможен |
[无锡]【无锡邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | [Wuxi]【Wuxi post office bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
Send item to domestic location (Inb) | Отправить вопрос внутреннего расположения (Инб) |
[江门]【开平市邮政局广告公司】已封发(国内经转) | [Jiangmen]【Kaiping city post office advertising company] has been terminated(domestic transit) |
[广州]【广州国际】已开拆 | [Guangzhou]【Guangzhou】has been open |
【长沙】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
Shipped | Отправлен |
Dispatch PreAlert to Turkey | |
Customs clearance in the destination country for express; enter the exchange office of the destination country for the postal | Таможенное оформление в стране назначения для экспресс; введите обменного пункта страны назначения для почтовых |
[江门]【开平市邮政局广告公司】已收寄(国内经转) | [Jiangmen]【Kaiping city post office advertising company] has the recipient sent(domestic transit) |
Item Sent to UNITED STATES | |
【许昌】Export customs clearance complete | Экспортное таможенное оформление |
Forwarding,Redirect | |
【CHANGSHA CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【WEIFANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at WEIFANG CITY distribution center | 【Города ВЭЙФАН】 доставку при распределении центра ВЭЙФАН |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03204934 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: GB) | |
到潍坊市【潍坊转运中心】 | To Weifang city【Weifang Transit Center] |
The consignment left the logistics hub | Груз покинул центр логистики |
【JIEYANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【】计划交航(国内经转) | 【】Plan cross-navigation(domestic transit) |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02994030 | |
【烟台市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | 【Yantai bulk mail acceptance processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
Receive item from customer (Otb) | Прием товара от клиента (Отб) |
Item received by [GUANGZHOU] Logistics Centre | Товар получен по [Гуанчжоу] логистический центр |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Netherlands | |
您的快件已被CD凯旋南城格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been CD triumph Nancheng chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
您的快件已被云柜银河金座西门保安室旁【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been cloud locker Galaxy gold base West Gate security room next to the [From the Cabinet] the collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Refused delivery | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Bulgaria | |
023 | |
【BEIJING CITY】 Outbound | |
离开【温州市两包集中收寄中心】 | Leave【Wenzhou city, two packets of focused acceptance center |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Italy | |
您的快件被快递员***********取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | Your shipment is the courier***********out, please wait for the courier with your contact phone***********。 |
Flight dispatched; transit destination: Switzerland; Flight #:LX139 | Рейс отправляется; транзитным пунктом: Швейцария; рейс:LX139 |
【QINGDAO CITY】 Shipment arrive at QINGDAO CITY distribution center | 【Города Циндао】 отгрузка прибыть в распределительных центра Циндао |
Agreed delivery to 08.07.2016 from 9:00 to | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Poland | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Brazil | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-10 13:45 | |
计划交航,计划航班号CZ355,计划起飞时间14:15 | Запланирован вылет рейсом CZ355, плановое время вылета 1 4:1 5 |
【布拉迪斯拉发合作点】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已封发 | China Post Group Corporation, Nanjing post letter Office】has been dispatched |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Kyrgyzstan | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Kazakhstan | Отправка PreAlert в Казахстан |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Canada | |
【中邮衡阳仓】已封发(国内经转) | In the post Hengyang cartridge】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【中国邮政集团公司西安市商函广告局】已收寄(国内经转) | 【China Post Group Corporation, XI'an, business letter, advertising Board] the received mail(domestic transit) |
【Europe Distribution Center】 Shipment arrive at Europe Distribution Center distribution center | Европейский распределительный центр |
找不到渠道 | Can't find channels |
Wrong phone number / absence of phone number / fax number instead of phone number | |
Exchanged; Flight#:LH8411-LH1490 | |
请自送或邮寄至广州仓。(备注:请不要通过“速尔公司”邮寄,因不投递到户,建议交邮政EMS邮寄至我仓。 | Please send or mail to the Guangzhou warehouse. (Note: Please don't by the“super company”by mail, due to non-delivery to the user, the proposed cross-post EMS mailed to my position. |
Income | Доход |
Delivery to the recipient failed. A notification will be sent to the recipient | |
【SUQIAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Городе suqian】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
武汉市场部 的 武汉市场部小储1 已揽件 | Wuhan field portion of Wuhan city, the field portion of the reservoir 1 already football member |
No national ID | Нет, национальное удостоверение личности |
The item has been delivered to the recipient abroad | Товар был доставлен получателю за границей |
【JIAOZUO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города ЦЗЯОЦЗО】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
【431W】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Hungary | Товар размещен по счетчику в Венгрию |
【哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳跨境合作点】 Shipment arrive at 哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳跨境合作点 distribution center | 【Astana, Kazakhstan cross-border cooperation] Shipment arrive at Astana, Kazakhstan cross-border cooperation point distribution center |
【南通邮政局函件局】已封发(国内经转) | Nantong post office-mail office】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Import clearance failure | Импорт недостаточности клиренс |
【ZHAOQING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Flight dispatched;transit destination: Turkey;Flight #:SQ871 772 | Рейс отправляется;транзитным пунктом: Турция;рейс:772 SQ871 |
Security check failure | Сбоя проверки безопасности |
【Russia】 Departed from local distribution center | Россия, отправлено из распределительного центра |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: LV) | Прибытие в пункт назначения сообщение (Страна: Латвия) |
数量达到挂件10件、平件或混装共15件,如符合条件打印面单及封装后,可致电我仓或联系客服旺旺;不达数量或不在范围内需自送或快递至我仓 | The number to reach the hanging member 1 0 Member, the flat member or the mixed Total 1 5 pieces, such as compliance with the conditions of the printing surface of the single package, you can call our warehouse or contact the customer service wangwang; no |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: UA) | |
Flight dispatched; transit destination: Malaysia; Flight #:MH079 738 | Рейс отправляется; транзитным пунктом: Малайзия; рейс:MH079 738 |
【K31】 Shipment arrive at K31 distribution center | 【К31】 доставку в распределительный центр К31 |
Item sorting by shipper in shenzhen | Пункт сортировки в Шэньчжэне |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用优速快递及兰亭凤栖苑速递易【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks to the use of preferred-speed Express and LAN Ting Feng habitat garden Express delivery - 【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
您的快件已由涉外聚有超市二楼菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | Of your shipment by foreign poly a supermarket on the second floor rookie coaching Inn collection. Please with pick up the code and take the pieces of query: message/delivery details page |
Return to sender’s address: end of a set storage period | |
Package received by warehouse | Посылка принята на склад |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用中通快递及HN双溪部落丰巢【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks for use through the courier and HN Sungai tribe the abundance of nest【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
中国-广州-【俄速通】已接收 | China-Guangzhou-【Russian-speed pass】has been received |
(Country code: BY) | (Код: с) |
【成都市邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Chengdu City post office bulk mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
快件在【呼伦贝尔海拉尔成吉集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【呼伦贝尔】 | Express in [hulunbuir Hailar to Regis Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the [in Hulun Buir】 |
【QUANZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【ЦЮАНЬЧЖОУ】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Outlet seal | Выпускное уплотнение |
【ZIBO CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZIBO CITY distribution center | |
【GUANGZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города Гуанчжоу】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Item Arrived at Turkey | |
【已签收,签收人是胡冬华】 | [Sign, sign for the people is Hu Dong Hua】 |
快件在【泉州Z】装车,正发往【济南Z】,扫描员是【贺青青】 | Express in [Quanzhou Z] the packing of the car, being sent to the【Jinan Z], the scanning member is [he green】 |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: IL) | |
【GANZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Customs check-in | Таможенная регистрация заезда |
Received by line-haul | Полученные магистральные |
Item received by shipper | Товар получен от грузоотправителя |
Received by the postal office of exchange | Получен почтовым отделением обмена |
离开【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】 | Leave【Dongguan City post office electricity supplier parcel of Bureau of international Parcel processing group |
Waiting for pick up | Дожидаясь забрать |
Уточнение адреса доставки | |
【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已封发 | China Post Group company Foshan-mail philatelic Bureau】has been dispatched |
到厦门市【厦门转运中心】 | To Xiamen【Xiamen transhipment center] |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-11-15 11:14 | |
【上饶市邮政局大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | 【Shangrao postal service bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
【中国邮政集团公司盐城市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group company, Yancheng bulk mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【中国邮政集团公司贵阳市分公司】已收寄(国内经转) | 【China Post Group Corporation Guiyang Branch] the received mail(domestic transit) |
【Ukraine】 Arrived at the destination country | 【Украине】 прибыл в страну назначения |
派件已【正常签收】,签收人是【本人】签收网点是【广州244】,录入人是【刘红水】,录入时间:【2017-01-13 10:01】 | Faction member has [the normal sign】,sign the person is [himself] the signature dot is the【Guangzhou 244], the entry person is【Liu red water], the entry time:【2017-01-13 10:01】 |
Отправлен в город доставки | |
快件在【齐齐哈尔鹤城集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【呼伦贝尔海拉尔成吉集散中心】 | Express in [Qiqihar Tsuruga Castle Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the 【hulunbuir Hailar to Regis Distribution Center】 |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: HU) | |
The postal item was delivered to its destination at the secretariat of Tza'alim on 29/12/2016 | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Georgia | |
leave | |
【漳浦县盘陀邮政支局】已封发(国内经转) | Zhangpu County jagged branch post office】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【PUTIAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: BY) | |
Import clearance success | Импорт успешного оформления |
金华分拨中心发件 | Jinhua Distribution Center shipment |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03019888 | |
Item depart from original country | Покинуло страну отправителя |
【HANDAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Departed from transferring country -Finland | |
Will be delivered by Russian Post, tracking number ( ***********944 ) | |
Departed to - Taif Central Post office - AT TAIF | |
Received at warehouse | Получили на склад |
北京市【北京转运中心】,正发往【长沙转运中心】 | Beijing [Beijing Transit Center], is sent to the【Changsha Transit Center] |
【Belarus】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Other】 | 【Беларуси】 доставки не удалось.【 Причина: Прочая】 |
Item Arrived at USA | |
Awaiting customs clearance and delivery to post | В ожидании таможенного оформления и доставки на пост |
【HONGKONG】 Failure to give to the airline 【Reason:Examined by security control】 | 【Гонконг】 неспособность дать авиакомпании 【причина:рассмотрены контроль безопасности】 |
快件离开北京房山良乡一公司,已发往北京分拨中心 | The shipment departs Beijing Fangshan liangxiang a company,has been sent to Beijing Distribution Center |
Parcel transferred to courier | |
【SUZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | SUZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station |
Item Sent to TURKMENISTAN | |
【奥地利维也纳跨境合作点】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
空港配载启运 | Air port of loading departure |
您的快件已被云柜3402社区东区【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been cloud Cabinet 3 4 0 2 communities in the East zone【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Item held by Customs Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner | |
由【浙江义乌公司】发往【浙江义乌商贸城营业部】 | By【Yiwu, Zhejiang company] sent [the Zhejiang Yiwu business unit] |
【BENGBU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
您的快件已被景山花园e栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been Jingshan garden e stack【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【431R】 Success in giving to the airline | |
【SUQIAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Городе suqian】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
出口报关完成 | Export customs clearance is completed |
商家未备货 | Ожидание получения от отправителя. |
The item is now at customs abroad for determination of any customs duty payable | Товар сейчас на таможне за рубежом для определения таможенной пошлины, подлежащей уплате |
【QINGDAO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города Циндао】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
【020R】 Success in giving to the airline | |
青岛市【青岛转运中心】,正发往【潍坊转运中心】 | Qingdao【Qingdao Transit Center], is sent to the [Weifang Transit Center] |
Estimated Delivery:3-7 days | |
【JIEYANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【DONGGUAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | Дунгуань, товар принят |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02989846 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Utd.Arab Emir | |
Processing Left the place of international exchange | Покинуло место международного обмена. |
Announced | |
Item being sent to [GUANGZHOU] Logistics Centre | Пункт будут отправлены в [Гуанчжоу] логистический центр |
Dispatch PreAlert to Netherlands | |
您的快件已由内蒙古农业大学东区操场南菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | Your shipment has been by the Inner Mongolia Agricultural University East area Playground South Rookie of the Inn collection. Please with pick up the code and take the pieces of query: message/delivery details page |
您的快件已由二十四城快递服务站(13幢负1楼37号)菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | Your shipment has been by the twenty-four city courier service station(13 buildings negative 1 floor No. 37)Rookie of the Inn collection. Please with pick up the code and take the pieces of query: message/delivery details page |
其他 | Other |
Dispatch PreAlert to Bulgaria | |
【芜湖大宗处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Wuhu bulk Processing Centre] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【BEIJING CITY】 Inbound | |
【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已封发 | Wenzhou two packs of centralized posting Center] has been dispatched |
Dispatch PreAlert to Italy | |
Arrival at local post office | Прибытие в местное почтовое отделение |
Departed from transferring country:Departed from transferring country -GB | |
【WUHAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at WUHAN CITY distribution center | 【ВУХАНЬ】 доставку при распределении ВУХАНЬ-центр |
Parcel not delivered | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Poland | |
【CANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at CANGZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: MX) | |
1 | |
【巴黎跨境合作点】 Shipment arrive at 巴黎跨境合作点 distribution center | 【Paris cross-border cooperation] Shipment arrive at the Paris cross-border cooperation point distribution center |
【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已收寄 | China Post Group Corporation, Nanjing post letter Office】has been posting |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-23 12:28 | |
Item Arrived at Armenia | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Canada | |
【中邮衡阳仓】已收寄(国内经转) | In the post Hengyang cartridge] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Forwarded,from País in MALASIA / to País in BRASIL / BR | Forwarded,from País in MALAYSIA / to País in BRASIL / BR |
Success in giving to the airline | Успех в предоставлении авиакомпании |
Exchanged; Flight#:SU205-SU1864 | |
【Lithuania】 Arrived at the destination country | 【Литва】 прибыл в страну назначения |
Accepted at USPS Destination Facility | Принятым в пункте назначения объекта УСПС |
Return,Other circumstances | Возврат,иные обстоятельства |
Package in transportation | |
Item Sent to CZECH REPUBLIC | Товар отправляется в Чехию |
【Poland】 Arrived at the destination country | 【Польша】 прибыл в страну назначения |
Held by authorities | Задержан властями |
Ready for pickup at delivery place | Готовы для погрузки в место доставки |
快件在【焦作丰收集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【济源市天坛区济钢营业点】 | Express in [Jiaozuo harvest Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the [Jiyuan city Temple of heaven area of Jinan iron and steel business] |
Delivery,Delivery to the addressee | Поставка,доставка до адресата |
备货未完成 | Stocking unfinished |
Dispatch PreAlert to Hungary | Отправка PreAlert в Венгрию |
Item Arrived at Italy | |
Warehouse processing unsuccessful | |
【地拉那跨境合作点】 Shipment arrive at 地拉那跨境合作点 distribution center | 【Tirana cross-border cooperation] Shipment arrive at Tirana cross-border cooperation point distribution center |
【ZHAOQING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02633119 | |
【Russia】 Arrived at the local distribution center | Россия, прибыло в местный распределительный центр |
Item Sent to ESTONIA | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to France | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Success in giving to the airline | Передано авиакомпании, Чанчунь |
【Russia】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: BY) | Готовится к отправке (код страны: by)больше |
您的快件已被富田财富广场速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been Fu Tian Fortune Plaza Express - 【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
您已在步行街北口国美电器对面菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | You have been in the pedestrian street North Exit GOME opposite rookie coaching Inn complete pickup, thanks to the use of rookie coaching Inn, look again for you. |
Arrived at the postal unit for delivery to addressee (shelf no ג-290) | |
客户未备好货 | Пока не отгружено |
您的快件已被FJ潇湘大厦丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been FJ xiaoxiang building, the abundance of nest【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Returned from keeping | |
Arrived at the postal unit for delivery to addressee (shelf no ג-910) | |
【成都市邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Chengdu City post office bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
快件在【哈尔滨哈平集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【呼伦贝尔海拉尔成吉集散中心】 | Express in the [Harbin ha ping distribution centre] has been loading, preparing sent to the 【hulunbuir Hailar to Regis Distribution Center】 |
【】计划交航 | 【】Plan cross-navigation |
Export open | Экспорт открытого |
【ZIBO CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
不在范围 | Not in scope |
【NANNING CITY/CHONGZUO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
北京市【房山分部】,【懂春生/***********】正在派件 | Beijing【Fangshan Branch】, the【't understand Chunsheng/***********】being a faction member |
快件到达【泉州Z】,上一站是【福州Z】,扫描员是【石磊】 | The shipment arrives【Quanzhou Z】,on a station is [Fuzhou Z], the scanning member is【stone】 |
您的快件已被HB红旗欣居C区一期格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been HB red flag hin residence C district for a period of chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-03-09 10:16 | |
您的快件被快递员***********取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | Your shipment is the courier***********out, please wait for the courier with your contact phone |
Depart from transit country | Вылет из транзитной страной |
航空启运 | Aviation departure |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已封发 | Dongguan City post office electricity supplier parcel of Bureau of international Parcel processing Group】has been dispatched |
【HULUDAO CITY】 Shipment arrive at HULUDAO CITY distribution center | 【Городе ХУЛУДАО】 доставку в распределительный центр города ХУЛУДАО |
北京市【北京转运中心】,正发往【哈尔滨转运中心】 | Beijing [Beijing transport centre] is sent to [the Harbin transport center] |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03071191 | |
【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已收寄 | China Post Group company Foshan-mail philatelic Bureau】has been posting |
厦门市【BEX厦门思明区六部】,正发往【厦门转运中心】 | Xiamen【BEX Xiamen Siming District six unit], are sent to the【Xiamen transhipment center] |
您的快件被快递员梁腾锋取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | Your shipment is the courier Liang Teng Feng removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone***********。 |
【Europe Distribution Center】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | Принято в Европейском распределительном центре |
【中国邮政集团公司盐城市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group company, Yancheng bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
Located at customs: charged with customs fees | |
【NANTONG CITY】 Shipment arrive at NANTONG CITY distribution center | 【Города НАНЬТУН】 доставку при распределении центра города НАНЬТУН |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: AZ) | |
【ZIBO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【中国邮政集团公司南平市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group company Nanping-mail office】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
快件在【哈尔滨哈平集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【齐齐哈尔鹤城集散中心】 | Express in the [Harbin ha ping distribution centre] has been loading, preparing sent to the [Qiqihar Tsuruga Castle Distribution Center】 |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: MA) | |
Import of international mail,347936,Taganrog, Rostovskaya obl | |
Departure from SFC warehouse | Отход от склада ПФС |
Dispatching abroad from Ukrainian exchange office | |
Arrive | |
【漳浦县盘陀邮政支局】已收寄(国内经转) | Zhangpu County jagged branch post office】a received mail(domestic transit) |
【PUTIAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
The item has arrived at the recipient´s delivery point. Express to be dispatched to the recipient, other items notified | Товар прибыл в пункт доставки получателям. Экспресс будет отправлен получателю, другие предметы, будет сообщено |
离开【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】 | Leave【Shenzhen International bulk mail processing center |
Arrival at transit country | Прибытие в транзитную страну |
到达金华分拨中心 | To reach Jinhua Distribution Center |
满州里 的 韩孝*********** 正在派件,请保持电话畅通哦 | The Manchurian in the Han FILIAL piety*********** being a faction member,please keep the phone unblocked, Oh |
【HANDAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Under Process | В Процессе |
客户货未备齐 | Пока не отгружен. |
北京市【BEX北京朝阳区四惠分部】,正发往【北京转运中心】 | Beijing【BEX, Chaoyang District, Beijing Sihui branch], and being sent to the [Beijing Transit Center] |
The item has been sorted at the international terminal in the destination country for onward transport in the destination country | Товар был отсортирован по международного терминала в стране назначения для дальнейшей транспортировки в страну назначения |
【中国邮政集团公司绍兴市商函局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group company, Shaoxing City, business letter, Office】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【JIAXING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
北京房山良乡一公司的要强已收件 | Beijing Fangshan liangxiang a company wishes to have the recipient |
Item Arrived at Minsk International 2 | Товар прибыл в Минск 2 Международный |
【SUZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | SUZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Turkmenistan | |
【巴黎跨境合作点】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
邮政处理中直封封发 | Post processing, straight seal sealing the hair |
Russia-Ekaterinburg-Customs clearance complete | |
Held by Customs | Задержанные на таможне |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: US) | |
快件已到达【浙江义乌公司】 扫描员是【赵会娟】上一站是 | The shipment has arrived [in Yiwu, Zhejiang company] scanning member is【Zhao will Juan] on a station is |
【BENGBU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Dispatching from exchange office to Ukrainian postal facility | Диспетчеризации из обменного пункта Всеукраинский почтовый центр |
Accepted in Poland | |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | 【Шанхай】 отгрузки на склад |
【中邮常德仓】已封发(国内经转) | In the post Changde cartridge】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Successfully delivered to the addressee | |
【QINGDAO CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города qingdao】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-23 10:08 | |
到青岛市【青岛转运中心】 | To Qingdao【Qingdao Transit Center] |
Exchanged | Обмен |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | 【Города ЧАНЧУНЬ】 отгрузки на склад |
【Russia】 Arrived at Europe Distribution Center | 【России】 прибыл в распределительный Центр Европы |
Exchanged; Flight#:T | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Utd.Arab Emir | |
Customs clearance Released by custom house | Таможенное оформление,выпущено таможней. |
Item deposited | Пункт хранение |
Unsuccessful attempt of delivery,Delivery has been postponed at the request of the addressee | |
Outbound failure in sorting center | |
您的快件已被云柜阳光绿苑东大门北侧【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been cloud Cabinet sun green court East Gate on the North side of the [From the Cabinet] the collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用EMS及JS凤悦天晴格格货栈【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks to the use of EMS and JS Feng Yue Sunny chomp warehouses【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用快捷速递及LN华润海中国3期瞰海园丰巢【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks for using the Express courier and the LN China resources sea China 3 period bird's-eye view of the Sea Park, the abundance of nest【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forwar |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: UZ) | |
【芜湖大宗处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Wuhu bulk Processing Centre] has been posting(domestic transit) |
【BEIJING CITY】 Shipment arrive at BEIJING CITY distribution center | 【Пекин】 Отправление прибытие в Пекин распределительного центра |
Flight dispatched;transit destination: Netherlands;Flight #:KL888 | Рейс отправляется;транзитным пунктом: Нидерланды;рейс:KL888 |
【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已收寄 | Wenzhou two packs of focused acceptance Center has been posting |
【Europe Distribution Center】 Arrived at Europe Distribution Center | 【Европы Центр распространения】 прибыл в распределительный Центр Европы |
Arrived at destination county:Shipment has arrived at the Vitoria postal operator and will be delivered in the coming days | |
【WUHAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【ВУХАНЬ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Parcel arrived at the Distribution Center | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: CA) | |
【CANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
快件在【沈阳浑南新区集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【大庆世纪集散中心】 | Shipment in Shenyang hunnan New District Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the [Daqing century Distribution Center】 |
Agreed delivery to 08.07.2016 from 9:00 to 21:00 | |
【帕皮提合作点】 Shipment arrive at 帕皮提合作点 distribution center | 【Papeete cooperation point】 Shipment arrive at Papeete cooperation point distribution center |
Processing,Transfer to the pantry storage | |
【431R】 Failure to give to the airline | |
Item Sent to ARMENIA | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02710159 | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | ЧАНЧУНЬ, отгрузка и переход к следующей станции |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-18 16:46 | |
Item arrived at sorting center in the destination country | |
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item | Покинул партнер доставки, курьер ожидает товар |
Delivery Failed | Доставка Не |
【BEX厦门思明区六部】揽收成功 | 【BEX Xiamen Siming District six unit] football success |
The postal item arrived at the central postal unit in Herzelia on 08/11/2016. Due to its size and/or weight it will be forwarded to the Shikun Darom postal unit to be delivered there | |
Left the place of international exchange | Покинуло место международного обмена |
【大连大宗收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | 【Dalian bulk posting Center] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【JIAOZUO CITY】 Shipment arrive at JIAOZUO CITY distribution center | 【Города ЦЗЯОЦЗО】 доставку в распределительный центр jiaozuo города |
Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: KZ) | |
Item Sent to ITALY | |
Parcel delivery attempt 1 failed | Посылка попытка доставки 1 не |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: 】 | |
On FedEx vehicle for delivery | |
【Russia】 Left the place of international exchange | Россия, покинуло место международного обмена |
Item Arrived at Estonia | |
Dispatch PreAlert to France | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Shipment arrive at CHANGCHUN CITY distribution center | ЧАНЧУНЬ, распределительный центр |
Received by the Brazil Post,Object subject to inspection and delay on delivery | |
数量未达揽收标准(挂10件以上,平20件以上),请自送或寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收 | The number does not meet the collection standards in the hanging of 10 pieces or more, level 20 and above, from the Send or delivery(recommended to use EMS)to Zhongshan West district fuhua road No. 35, post office-mail office Mr. Lai received |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用优速快递及钻石华府速递易【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks to the use of preferred-speed courier and Diamond Washington courier - 【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
您的快件已由步行街北口国美电器对面菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | Your shipment has been by the pedestrian street North Exit GOME opposite rookie coaching Inn collection. Please with pick up the code and take the pieces of query: message/delivery details page |
Delivered to addressee | |
【中国邮政集团公司徐州市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation, Xuzhou city communications Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
您的快件已被HN双溪部落丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been HN Sungai tribe the abundance of nest【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
An attempt was made to deliver the item to the addressee | Была предпринята попытка доставить товар адресату |
【中国邮政集团公司咸宁市函件广告局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group company Xianning-mail advertising Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
快件在【东莞沙田集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【哈尔滨哈平集散中心】 | Shipment in Dongguan Shatin distribution centre] has been loading, preparing sent to the 【Harbin ha ping Distribution Center】 |
【Warehouse】 Inbound | 【Склад】 Входящих |
Has been exported mutual seal (domestic) | Было экспортировано взаимное уплотнение (внутренний) |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: ES) | Готовится к отправке (код страны: исп) |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-03 15:36 | |
到北京市【房山分部】 | To Beijing【Fangshan branch】 |
Disponibile per il ritiro presso il Centro Operativo Postale | Available for pickup at the Operating Center Postal |
快件在【福州Z】装车,正发往【泉州Z】,扫描员是【苏小龙】 | Express in [Fuzhou Z] the packing of the car, being sent to the【Quanzhou Z], the scanning member is the [Su-dragons】 |
【CHONGQING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已收寄 | Dongguan City post office electricity supplier parcel of Bureau of international Parcel processing Group】has been posting |
Inbound in sorting center | Входящие в сортировочный центр |
到北京市【北京转运中心】 | To Beijing [Beijing Transit Center] |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-01-18 10:13 | |
由【浙江义乌中转部】发往【浙江义乌公司】 | By【Zhejiang Yiwu transit unit] sent to the [Zhejiang Yiwu company |
Undergoing processing for delivery to addressee | Подвергаясь обработке для доставки адресату |
【小包中心】已收寄 | Small Center has been posting |
您的快件被快递员余敏取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | Your shipment is the courier over-sensitive is removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone***********。 |
【Estonia】 Arrived at the destination country | |
【Poland】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Flight departed from Origin | Посылка вылетела из страны отправителя |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Czech Republic | Товар размещен по счетчику в Чехию |
【NANTONG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города НАНЬТУН】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
【BIJIE AREA】 Shipment arrive at BIJIE AREA distribution center | |
Send item to customs (Otb) | Отправить вопрос по таможне (Отб) |
【中国邮政集团公司南平市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group company Nanping-mail office] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: SA) | |
快件在【沈阳浑南新区集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【哈尔滨哈平集散中心】 | Shipment in Shenyang hunnan New District Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the 【Harbin ha ping Distribution Center】 |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: CZ) | Готовится к отправке (код страны: Чехия) |
Processing,Arrived to Russian Federation | |
Arrive SFC warehouse in processing | Прибыть склад ДСЕ в обработку |
禁止品 | Prohibited goods |
Sealed hair | |
离开【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】 | Leave【China Post Group Corporation, Hangzhou business Small Business Bureau |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: CH) | |
【NINGBO CITY】 Shipment arrive at NINGBO CITY distribution center | 【Города НИНБО】 доставку в распределительный центр города НИНБО |
Item available for collection from recipient’s local service point | Товар доступен для сбора из локальной точки услугополучателя |
【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已封发 | Покинуло международный сортировочный центр. (Шэньчжэнь) |
您的快件已被顺乐家优山美地【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been along musicians Yosemite【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
苏州分拨中心发件 | Suzhou Distribution Center shipment |
快件到达 满州里 | Shipments arrive the Manchurian. |
【Russia】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Package is undeliverable due to ACT airline accident | Пакет не может быть доставлен вследствие акта аварии авиакомпанией |
Parcel arrived to sorting center | Посылка прибыла в центр сортировки |
The postal item was forwarded on 25/10/2016 for distribution at the settlement of Achihod | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: UA) | Готовится к отправке (код страны: UA)язык |
【BEX北京朝阳区四惠分部】揽收成功 | 【BEX, Chaoyang District, Beijing Sihui branch】embrace success |
The item has arrived at the international terminal in the destination country for sorting | Товар прибыл в международный терминал в стране назначения для сортировки |
【中国邮政集团公司绍兴市商函局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group company, Shaoxing City, business letter, office] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Redispatching,Redirect | Дальнейшей Пересылкой., Перенаправление |
Item arrived at office exchange in the destination country | Товар прибыл в пункт обмена валют в стране назначения |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: LT) | |
等待商家电话通知电话通知揽收 | Wait for the merchant to telephone notification Telephone notification of the collection |
【HONGKONG】 Outbound | HONGKONG】 Outbound |
Dispatch PreAlert to Turkmenistan | |
【HONG KONG】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
Scanned at main SC | По этой в основных СК |
收寄局收寄 | Acceptance Bureau acceptance |
Russia-null-Arrival at destination country | |
邮局中转中心已收件 | Post office Transit Center has been the recipient |
Item arrived | Деталь приехал |
Item Sent to AZERBAIJAN | |
【huadong】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | 【хуадун】 груз прибудет на склад |
Income to Ukrainian exchange office | Доход на украинский пункт обмена валют |
Forwarded,from País in SUECIA / to País in BRASIL / BR | Forwarded,from the Country in ADDITION / to Country in BRAZIL / BR |
Item not picked up by courier | Передано курьеру |
【中邮常德仓】已收寄(国内经转) | In the post Changde cartridge] the received mail(domestic transit) |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用优速快递及SH盘古天地一期速递易【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks to the use of preferred-speed courier and SH Pangu heaven and earth for a period courier - 【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
您的地址不在本市揽收范围内,如您需要在本市发货,请自行寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收0760-23325695 | Your address is not in the city Collection range, as you need to in the City delivery, please Delivery(recommended to use EMS)to Zhongshan West district fuhua Road 3, No. 5 post office-mail office Mr. Lai received 0 7 6 0-2 3 3 2 5 6 9 5 |
离开 [黑龙江_哈尔滨运转中心] 发往 [内蒙古_配送区部_呼伦贝尔分拨站] | Leave [Heilongjiang _ Harbin operation center] hair on [Inner Mongolia _ the distribution area of unit _ hulunbuir allocated Station] |
青岛市【BEX青岛市北区五部】,正发往【青岛转运中心】 | Qingdao【BEX, Qingdao City, North district five unit], are sent to the【Qingdao Transit Center] |
【HA'ERBIN CITY】 Shipment arrive at HA'ERBIN CITY distribution center | 【\\Га\'города ЭРБИН】 груз прибудет на распределение\\га\'центр города ЭРБИН |
【SHENYANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города ШЭНЬЯН】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Flight dispatched; transit destination: Sweden; Flight #:SK964 | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-14 12:01 | Прибыло в сортировочный центр назначения на 2016-11-14 12:01 |
【潍坊市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Weifang city bulk mail acceptance processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【Estonia】 Shipment arrive at Estonia distribution center | 【Эстонии】 отгрузка прибыть в Эстонию распределительный центр |
Item departed from origin | Пункт отошли от происхождения |
您已在中铁骑士公馆小区6栋1楼102室菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务 | You have been in the iron Knight mansion district 6 building 1 floor room 102 rookie coaching Inn complete pickup, thanks to the use of rookie coaching Inn, look again for your service |
您的快件已被JS凤悦天晴格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been JS Feng Yue Sunny chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
您的快件已被LN华润海中国3期瞰海园丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been LN China resources sea China 3 period bird's-eye view of the Sea Park, the abundance of nest【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: TH) | |
(Country code: UA) | (Код страны: Украина) |
请打印面单及封装好后,电话联系我仓020-86691912、86683510、86664099,或我仓客服旺旺,确认申请可上门揽收,谢谢配合!” | Please print the surface of the single and a good package after telephone contact I warehouse 0 2 0-8 6 6 9 1 9 1 2, A 8 6 6 8 3 5 1 0, A 8 6 6 6 4 0 9 9, or I cartridge the customer service wangwang, the confirmation application can be door-to-Door colle |
【HUIZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Городе huizhou】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Item being handed over to the local courier, tracking ended, estimated delivery : 3-7 days | Посылка была передана в руки местного курьера, примерный срок доставки: 3-7 дней. |
【常州市邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Changzhou city post office bulk mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【已签收,签收人是已送达】 | [Sign, sign a person is delivered】 |
【Russia】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Failure to contact receiver temporarily.】 | |
Released from customs.:Customs Cleared | |
【WUHAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【ВУХАНЬ】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Shipment has left transit station | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: EE) | |
【CANGZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
The item was sent from Sweden on 08/03/2016 | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-02-13 12:28 | |
Processing,Sorting | Обработка,Сортировка |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-16 11:48 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Armenia | |
【HUAI'AN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
离开【广商国际小包】 | Leave the [wide provider of international Parcel |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Portugal | |
Outbound | |
Item received by [SHANGHAI] Logistics Centre | |
Arrive at customs | |
Cleared Customs | |
【Belarus】 Arrived at Europe Distribution Center | 【Беларуси】 прибыл в распределительный Центр Европы |
【CHANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【GUILING CITY】 Shipment arrive at GUILING CITY distribution center | |
УОиДП №3 г.Караганда | |
【大连大宗收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | 【Dalian bulk posting Center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
【ZHENGZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города ЧЖЭНЧЖОУ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Successfully delivered | |
Under export process in China | |
【威海市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Weihai bulk mail acceptance processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: PL) | |
黑河市【黑河】,【刘学院】正在派件 | Heihe dahei【Black River】, the【Liu College is sending pieces |
International shipment release - Import | |
【Russia】 The customs clearance is completed | Завершено таможенное оформление, Россия |
Receive item from customer (Otb),Air,MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-15 14:04 | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | Шэньчжэнь, отгрузка и переход к следующей станции |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-01-18 13:23 | |
Due to technical problem, previous tracking information of “hand over to airline” is not correct, please refer to the following | Из-за технических проблем, предыдущие отслеживание информации о “погрузке в самолет” не является правильным, пожалуйста, посмотрите следующий статус |
Arrived at FedEx location | |
您的包裹己签收 | Your package hexyl sign |
【中国邮政集团公司徐州市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation, Xuzhou city communications Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
您的快件已被倚山花园二期速递易1【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been leaning against the mountain garden Phase II courier-1【From mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Due to its size or weight a notice was left and the item will be forwarded to the postal unit for delivery | |
【中国邮政集团公司咸宁市函件广告局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group company Xianning-mail advertising Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
快件在【珠海界涌集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【东莞沙田集散中心】 | Express in the [Zhuhai border surge Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the Dongguan Shatin distribution centre] |
【FUZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at FUZHOU CITY distribution center | 【Города ФУЧЖОУ】 доставку при распределении центра ФУЧЖОУ |
Leave, next stop [Hangzhou center] | Оставить, следующая остановка [Ханчжоу центр] |
【HENGSHUI CITY】 Shipment arrive at HENGSHUI CITY distribution center | 【ХЭНШУЙ город】 отгрузка прибыть в ХЭНШУЙ распределительного центра |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-03 10:50 | |
北京市【北京转运中心】,正发往【房山分部】 | Beijing [Beijing transport centre] is sent to [the Fangshan branch】 |
In consegna | Delivery |
快件到达【福州Z】,上一站是【福州08】,扫描员是【苏小龙】 | The shipment arrives【Fuzhou Z】,on a station is [Fuzhou 08], the scanning member is the [Su-dragons】 |
请打印面单及封装好后,电话联系我仓020-86691912、86683510、86664099,或我仓客服旺旺,确认申请可上门揽收,谢谢配合! | Please print the surface of the single and a good package after telephone contact I warehouse 0 2 0-8 6 6 9 1 9 1 2, A 8 6 6 8 3 5 1 0, A 8 6 6 6 4 0 9 9, or I cartridge the customer service wangwang, the confirmation application can be door-to-Door colle |
【Germany】 Shipment arrive at Germany distribution center | |
【CHONGQING CITY】 Shipment arrive at CHONGQING CITY distribution center | |
【FOSHAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города ФОШАНЬ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
带电 | Charged |
Accepted by carrier | Приняты перевозчиком |
您的快件被快递员13842653197取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | Your shipment is the courier 13842653197 removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone |
Inbound failure in sorting center | Входящие отказа в сортировочный центр |
由【广东深圳罗湖中转部】发往【浙江义乌中转部】 | By【Guangdong Shenzhen Luohu transit unit] sent to the [Zhejiang Yiwu transit unit] |
HKG - Package Prohibited | |
离开【南昌市函件局】 | Leave【Nanchang city communications Bureau |
您的快件被快递员郭宏博取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | Your shipment is the courier Guo macro win, please wait for the courier with your contact phone***********。 |
【WENZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at WENZHOU CITY distribution center | 【Городе ВЭНЬЧЖОУ】 доставку при распределении ВЭНЬЧЖОУ города |
Item Arrived at Azerbaijan | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Czech Republic | Отправка PreAlert в Чехию |
【NANTONG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города НАНЬТУН】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Exchanged; Flight#:SU205-SU1832 | |
Return item from customs (Otb) | Возврат товара от таможни (Отб) |
车辆不足 | The vehicle is insufficient |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-14 12:10 | |
快件在【武汉东西湖集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【沈阳浑南新区集散中心】 | Express on the Wuhan things Lake Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the 【Shenyang hunnan New District Distribution Center】 |
Item available at pickup point | |
DeliveryDelivery to addressee | |
Return | Вернуться |
Acceptance, AL 111111 | |
【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已封发 | China Post Group company in Hangzhou business Small Business Bureau】has been dispatched |
【NINGBO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города НИНБО】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
The item has been redirected to the recipient´s delivery point | Товар был перенаправлен получателей точки доставки |
【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄 | Shenzhen International bulk mail processing center has been posting |
您的快件已被BJ政馨园一区A格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been BJ the Executive Hotel Park zone A chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
到达苏州分拨中心 | To reach Suzhou Distribution Center |
快件已从 北京 发出 | Express from Beijing to issue |
【Belarus】 Customs clearance in progress | 【Беларуси】 таможенное оформление в прогресс |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-24 09:59 | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: MD) | Прибытие в пункт назначения сообщение (Страна: Мэриленд) |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: RU) | Готовится к отправке (код страны: Россия) |
【LANGFANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at LANGFANG CITY distribution center | 【Города ЛАНФАН】 доставку при распределении центра ЛАНФАН |
Send item abroad (EDI-received) | Отправить товар за границу (ЭОД-получил) |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03271185 | |
离开【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】 | Leave【bulk mail acceptance processing center |
Customs clearance,Returned by custom house | Таможенное оформление,возвращенные таможни |
【GUANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at GUANGZHOU CITY distribution center | 【Города Гуанчжоу】 доставку при распределении центра Гуанчжоу |
Parcel delivered | |
【HONG KONG】 Shipment transiting to next station | Гонконг, отгрузка и переход к следующей станции |
International shipment release - Export | |
【HONG KONG】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Гонконг】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
【中国邮政集团公司江苏省江阴市邮政函件分局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province postal letter branch】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-14 07:50 | |
中国-哈尔滨-交航安检成功 | Харбин, пройдена проверка службой безопасности авиакомпании |
邮局中转中心已发件 | Post office Transit Centre has been sent |
�̼�δ���� | ��d���� |
Arrived at Customs | |
【BEIJING CITY】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | 【Пекин】 отгрузки на склад |
【中国邮政集团公司宁德市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group company in Ningde city communications Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Submitted to the postman / courier delivery | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Azerbaijan | |
正常入库 | Хранение |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用中通快递及FJ潇湘大厦丰巢【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks for use through the courier and FJ xiaoxiang building, the abundance of nest【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
【Ukraine】 Shipment arrive at Ukraine distribution center | |
到达 [黑龙江_哈尔滨运转中心] | Reach [Heilongjiang _ Harbin operation center] |
【已签收,签收人是陈小华】 | [Sign, sign people is Chen Xiaohua】 |
【BEX青岛市北区五部】揽收成功 | 【BEX, Qingdao City, North district five unit] football success |
The consignment was deposited | Груз был сдан на хранение |
【HA'ERBIN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【\\Га\'города ЭРБИН】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
【SHENYANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHENYANG CITY distribution center | 【Города ШЭНЬЯН】 доставку при распределении центра ШЭНЬЯН |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02937731 | |
【HUZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at HUZHOU CITY distribution center | |
【潍坊市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Weifang city bulk mail acceptance processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
【摩尔多瓦基希讷乌跨境合作点】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | 【摩尔多瓦基希讷乌跨境合作点】 отправление пересылается, пожалуйста, терпеливо ждать |
Processing,Handed to a courier | |
Item is at agent werehouse | Элемент в werehouse агент |
您的快件已由中铁骑士公馆小区6栋1楼102室菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | Your shipment has been made in the iron Knight mansion district 6 building 1 floor room 102 rookie coaching Inn collection. Please with pick up the code and take the pieces of query: message/delivery details page |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用EMS及JS国信世家溪园A格格货栈【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks to the use of EMS and JS country letter family Creek Park A chomp warehouses【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
您的快件已被云柜江南翰林轩【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been cloud Cabinet Gangnam hallym Xuan【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-02-11 12:31 | |
Sent from the outward office of exchange | Отправлено от внешних учреждение обмена |
【HUIZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Городе huizhou】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02741743 | |
【常州市邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Changzhou city post office bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
扬州市【扬州力宝分部】,【石燕红/***********】正在派件 | Yangzhou【Yangzhou Lippo division】, the【Shi Yan red/***********】being a faction member |
【HONGKONG】 Shipment transiting to next station | Гонконг, отгрузка и переход к следующей станции |
Arrived at transferring country:Arrived LONDON | |
【SHANTOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHANTOU CITY distribution center | |
Ready for dispatch | |
Item Arrived at Chisinau | |
Airline inspection succeeded | |
Handing over personally to an addressee | |
快件在【大庆世纪集散中心】已装车,准备发往下一站 | Express in [Daqing century Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the next stop |
你好!此票重量体积超重超大,请尽快处理,谢谢 | Hello! This ticket volume weight overweight oversized,Please as soon as possible,Thank you |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-13 01:23 | |
离开【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】 | Leave【China Post Group Corporation Wuxi city bulk mail processing center |
不足 | Insufficient |
Dispatch PreAlert to Armenia | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03139163 | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Portugal | |
Inbound | Входящие |
Item being sent to [SHANGHAI] Logistics Centre | |
(Country: UA) | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: AM) | Прибытие в пункт назначения сообщение (Страна: АМ) |
【CHANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at CHANGZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Presa in carico all'estero | Taking charge abroad |
Item picked up by courier | Передано курьеру |
【GUILING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
УСПП г. Караганда | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-11-15 11:14 | |
快件在【郑州总集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【焦作丰收集散中心】 | Express in [Zhengzhou total dispersion Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the 【Jiaozuo harvest Distribution Center】 |
Item processed at Italy | |
Parcel stored in point of issue | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-17 10:02 | |
【威海市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Weihai bulk mail acceptance processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
Item Sent to TAJIKISTAN | |
到黑河市【黑河】 | To Heihe dahei【Heihe】 |
Delivery option requested | |
【Russia】 Customs clearance in progress | Россия, процесс таможенного оформления |
The consignment entered the logistics hub | Груз поступил в центр логистики |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: LV) | Готовится к отправке (код: ЛВ) |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Outbound | Шэньчжэнь, отправлено |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-01-18 06:57 | |
其他原因 | Other reasons |
您的包裹己到达清河县服务中心出库 | Your package has reached Qinghe County service center out of the library |
Sipariş Sevk Edilmek İçin Hazır/Item Is Ready for Ship | Order ready to be shipped/ready to ship item for business |
您的快件被快递员张科富取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | Your shipment is the courier Zhang ke Fu removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone***********。 |
Item Arrived at LosAngeles | |
【中国邮政集团公司嘉兴市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group company in Jiaxing City letter Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
快件在【中山市和穗大道东营业部】已装车,准备发往 【珠海界涌集散中心】 | Shipment in Zhongshan and spike Avenue Dongying business unit] has been loading, preparing sent to the [Zhuhai border surge Distribution Center】 |
【FUZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города ФУЧЖОУ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Has been sealed | Был запечатан |
【HENGSHUI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【ХЭНШУЙ город】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-03 10:51 | |
杭州市【杭州转运中心】,正发往【北京转运中心】 | Hangzhou【Hangzhou transport center, being sent to the [Beijing Transit Center] |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Others due to Action: item return to sender | |
快件在【福州08】装车,正发往【福州Z】,扫描员是【欧阳运萍】 | Express in [Fuzhou 08] the loading, is sent to the【Fuzhou Z], the scanning member is [Ouyang Yun ping】 |
卖家自送 | Seller self delivered |
overseaWarehouse processing complete | overseaWarehouse обработка завершена |
The postal item arrived at the central postal unit in Kfar Saba on 28/12/2016. As the addressee does not reside at the address listed on the item, the item will be returned to the sender | |
【FOSHAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города ФОШАНЬ】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
The large sized postal item arrived at the Central postal unit in Jerusalem. On 31/10/2016 the addressee was notified to present himself at the postal unit and receive the item | |
Received by the sorting center | Поступают в центр сортировки |
您的快件已被LN闻浪大厦丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been LN the smell of the waves building, the abundance of nest【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Submitted to contractor | Представленный Подрядчиком |
【广东深圳罗湖中转部】正在进行【装袋】扫描 | 【Guangdong Shenzhen Luohu transit unit] the ongoing【bag】scan |
Due to system upgrade, shipping information might get affected. Please ignore the tracking information of 2017-2-27 | |
【南昌市函件局】已封发 | Отправлено из почтового отделения Наньчана |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用中通总部及香榭峰景苑e栈【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks to the use of the General Headquarters and the Champs peak view court e stack【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
【WENZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Городе ВЭНЬЧЖОУ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
您的快件仍在CDsofa社区格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | Your shipment is still in CDsofa community chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】not take, please take. |
【保定市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Baoding bulk mail acceptance processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【Ukraine】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Receiver requires self-pickup of the shipment.】 | 【Украине】 поставки не удалось.【 Причина: приемник не требует самовывозе груза.】 |
Gonderi yurtdisina sevk edildi,Send item abroad (EDI-received) | Shipment were shipped abroad,send item abroad (EDI-received) |
Receive item at office of exchange (Otb) | Получить товар в офисе биржи (Отб) |
Unsuccessful delivery,59/Item forwarded/redirected | |
快件在【孝感汉川市文化路营业点】已装车,准备发往 【武汉东西湖集散中心】 | Express in [xiaogan hanchuan City Cultural road, the business point】has been loading, preparing sent to the 【Wuhan things Lake Distribution Center】 |
Item presented : addressee absent - message left in addressee's letterbox | |
Available for pickup at the Post Office | Доступен для самовывоза в почтовом отделении |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-21 12:25 | |
客户原因 | Customer reason |
Have received | |
【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已收寄 | China Post Group company in Hangzhou business Small Business Bureau】has been posting |
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-KE604-0529,计划起飞时间00:30 | Посылка вылетела из аэропорта. Номер рейса-KE604-0 5 2 9, время вылета 0 0:3 0. |
【NINGBO CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города НИНБО】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
The item has arrived from abroad to Posten´s international terminal for sorting | Товар прибыл из-за рубежа в Postens международный терминал для сортировки |
Arrived at the destination postal office | Прибыл в почтовое отделение пункта назначения |
您的快件已被云柜银泰花苑【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been cloud Cabinet Silver Thai flower garden【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
济南分拨中心发件 | Jinan Distribution Center shipment |
快件已从 包头 发出 | Shipment from header issue |
未满足起揽数量10件 | Not satisfied play football number 1 0 |
The postal item arrived at the Hotzot Alonim postal unit in Bat Yam on 30/12/2016 for delivery to the addressee. (מספר מדף ג-5361) | |
【ZHONGSHAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZHONGSHAN CITY distribution center | 【Город ЧЖУНШАНЬ】 доставку при распределении центра ЧЖУНШАНЬ |
Redirect | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-24 10:00 | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | Шэньчжэнь, отгрузка на склад |
【LANGFANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города ЛАНФАН】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
【MAOMING CITY】 Shipment arrive at MAOMING CITY distribution center | |
【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发 | Bulk mail acceptance processing center] has been dispatched |
Rejected by customs | Отклонены таможенного |
【已签收,签收人是拍照签收】 | [Sign, sign for the person who is photographed sign】 |
Out for delivery 1 times | |
Package pick-up failed | Пакет пикап удалось |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: TR) | Готовится к отправке (код страны: ТР) |
【中国邮政集团公司江苏省江阴市邮政函件分局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province postal communications Branch] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-14 07:51 | |
【Russia】 Arrived at the destination country | Прибыло в страну назначения, Россия |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: LT) | |
Arrived into the US | |
【BEIJING CITY】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | 【Пекин】 груз прибудет на склад |
【中国邮政集团公司宁德市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group company in Ningde city communications Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Dispatch PreAlert to Azerbaijan | |
China-HangZhou-Successful pick up by post | |
【中国邮政集团公司岳阳市函件广告分局】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group company Yueyang city communications advertising branch】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
您的快件已被TJ锋泛国际堤北里格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been TJ Feng pan international Pattaya North. chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【NANJING CITY】 Shipment arrive at NANJING CITY distribution center | |
离开 [沈阳基地] 发往 [黑龙江_哈尔滨运转中心] | Leave [Shenyang base] is sent to [Heilongjiang _ Harbin operation center] |
【Belarus】 Arrived at the destination country | 【Беларуси】 прибыл в страну назначения |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-10 07:49 | |
【HA'ERBIN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【\\Га\'города ЭРБИН】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
【HANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города Ханчжоу】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Exchanged; Flight#:LH8411-LH1488 | Обмен; рейс#:LH8411-LH1488 |
Processing Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation | Прибыл переработки на территории Российской Федерации |
Arrive at transit country | Прибытие в транзитную страну |
Processing,Awaiting courier delivery | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-03-04 10:05 | |
您的快件被快递员13850122747取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | Your shipment is the courier 13850122747 removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone |
您的快件已被JS国信世家溪园A格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been JS country letter family Creek Park A chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-11 07:53 | |
离开【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】 | Leave the【Guangzhou small commodity collection mail processing center |
【Russia】 Shipment transiting to destination country | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02793607 | |
到扬州市【扬州力宝分部】 | To Yangzhou【Yangzhou Lippo division】 |
Sinotrans-DSS-Package Arriving at Air Hub of Sinotrans in China | |
【SHANTOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Parcel has arrived at the main Distribution Center | |
The postal item arrived at the Hotzot Alonim postal unit in Bat Yam on 08/01/2017 for delivery to the addressee. (מספר מדף ג-2327) | Почтовое отправление прибыло в почтовое подразделение Alonim Hotzot в Бат-яме на 08/01/2017 для доставки адресату. (מספר מדף ג\'-2327) |
【JIAOZUO CITY】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | 【Города ЦЗЯОЦЗО】 поставлены. Благодарим Вас за использование SF Экспресс. Снова смотрим вперед к служению вас |
正在派送途中,请您准备签收 | Is the delivery way,please you are ready to sign |
【Russia】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: 】 | |
【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发 | China Post Group Corporation Wuxi city bulk mail processing center has been dispatched |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Failure to give to the airline 【Reason:Custom hold】 | |
Storage,Fixed storage time | Хранения,фиксированное время хранения |
Item Arrived at Czech Republic | Товар прибыл в Чехию |
Undeliverable | |
【YANCHENG CITY】 Shipment arrive at YANCHENG CITY distribution center | |
【LISHUI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города ЛИШУЙ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Forwarded,from Unidade de Tratamento in CURITIBA / PR to Unidade Administrativa in RFB - Liberado sem Tributação / BR | Forwarded,from Treatment Unit in CURITIBA / PR to the Administrative Unit in RFB - Released without Taxation / BR |
【台州市建设路支局】已封发(国内经转) | Taizhou city construction Road Branch Office】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Arrive at destination country | Прибытие в страну назначения |
【HAIKOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item Sent to LITHUANIA | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-13 12:17 | |
【GUILING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: BG) | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-11-15 11:15 | |
【ZHENGZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZHENGZHOU CITY distribution center | 【Города ЧЖЭНЧЖОУ】 доставку при распределении центра ЧЖЭНЧЖОУ |
湘潭市【湘潭市区十部】,【谭建】正在派件 | Xiangtan city [in Xiangtan city district ten-unit】, the【tan building is the faction member |
Arrived | Приехали |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-02-18 11:08 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Tajikistan | |
内蒙古满洲里公司的派件已签收 ,签收人是PDA图片签收 | Inner Mongolia Manzhouli company to send pieces have been received ,the person who signed for is a PDA picture of the sign |
【HUZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【Europe Distribution Center】 Shipment transiting to destination country | Отгружено из европейского центра, транзит в страну назначения |
Departure from inward OE | Отъезд из оригинального внутрь |
bz | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | Шэньчжэнь, товар принят |
【景德镇市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | 【Jingdezhen bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
您的快件仍在SX万达天玺B格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | Your shipment is still in the SX Wanda Cullinan B chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】not take, please take. |
Parcel arrives pickup point A | Посылка прибывает в пункт самовывоз |
Left FedEx origin facility | |
您的包裹己到达清河县服务中心 | Your package has reached Qinghe County service center |
【WEIHAI CITY】 Shipment arrive at WEIHAI CITY distribution center | |
客户自送 | Customer self-Delivery |
您的快件已被CQ锦绣丽舍二期速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been CQ splendid beautiful homes Phase II courier - 【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【HONGKONG】 Shipment arrive at HONGKONG distribution center | Гонконг, доставлено в распределительный центр Гонконга |
(Country code: KZ) | (Код страны: КЗ) |
【中邮株洲仓】已封发(国内经转) | In the post Zhuzhou cartridge】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Released from RF customs | Выпустили с таможни РФ |
【FUZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города ФУЧЖОУ】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Acceptance, Kozel`sk 249720 | Прием, Козельск 249720 |
【HENGSHUI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【ХЭНШУЙ город】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Processing | Обработка |
到达目的地国家,来自CN(华南快邮跟踪信息结束) | Reach the destination country, from the CN(South China Express Mail tracking information. |
到杭州市【杭州转运中心】 | To Hangzhou【Hangzhou transport center] |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03222987 | Пункт отправки. ПКГ#:PKG03222987 |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: KZ) | Готовится к отправке (код страны: КЗ) |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: GR) | |
Please contact us for re-delivery: Email:, Tel: 8-800-234-22-40 | Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами для повторной доставки: Электронная почта:, Тел: 8-800-234-22-40 |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03059744 | |
Arrived to Russian Federation | Прибыл в Российскую Федерацию |
【中邮沈阳仓】已封发(国内经转) | 【In the post Shenyang warehouse】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
超出揽收服务区域 | Beyond lanshou service area |
【邢台市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | 【Xingtai city bulk mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
您的地址不在本市揽收范围内,如您需在本市线上发货,请自行寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收***********5 | Your address is not in the city Collection range, as you need to in the city online Delivery, self-Delivery(recommended to use EMS)to Zhongshan West district fuhua Road 3, No. 5 post office-mail office Mr. Lai received***********5 |
Отмена | |
您的快件已被天一家园9栋架空层【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been days a garden building 9 overhead layer【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Return,Storage life is expired | |
【深圳罗湖龙华龙胜分部】的收件员【吕杨林】已收件 | 【Shenzhen Longhua longsheng division] of the recipient member【Lu Yang Lin】has been the recipient |
分拣中心已收件 | The sorting Center has been the recipient |
【南昌市函件局】已收寄 | Nanchang-mail office】has been posting |
您的快件已被云山居速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been cloud mountain Express delivery - 【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【WENZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Городе ВЭНЬЧЖОУ】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
您的快件已被CDsofa社区格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been CDsofa community chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【保定市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Baoding bulk mail acceptance processing center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
数量挂件10件、平件或混装共15件,如符合条件打印面单及封装后,可致电我仓或联系客服旺旺;不达数量或不在范围内需自送或快递至我仓。 | The number of the hanging member 1 0 Member, the flat member or the mixed Total 1 5 pieces, such as compliance with the conditions of the printing surface of the single package, you can call our warehouse or contact the customer service wangwang; not up t |
【Warehouse】 Outbound | |
Gonderi yurt disina sevk edildi (Giden),The item was forwarded to the destination country (Otb) | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-19 11:23 | |
Супермаркет посылок г. Экибастуз | |
Will be delivered by Russian Post, tracking number ( ***********648 ) | |
顺丰速运 已收取快件 | SF has been charged for the shipment |
ProcessingArrived at the place of delivery | |
【中邮南充仓】已封发(国内经转) | [Mail Nanchong cartridge】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
The item has been dispatched from Direct Link's international terminal for onward transport to the country of destination | Этот пункт был отправлен с прямым выходом на международную связь\\\'терминал для дальнейшей транспортировки в страну назначения |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03282940 | |
【龙岩市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Longyan city bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Item Posted Over The Counter to United Kingdom | |
哈尔滨市【哈尔滨转运中心】,正发往【黑河】 | Harbin【Harbin Transit Centre] is sent to [the Black River] the |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02990424 | |
您已在成都大学菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | You have been in Chengdu University rookie coaching Inn complete pickup, thanks to the use of rookie coaching Inn, look again for you. |
到达济南分拨中心 | To reach Jinan Distribution Center |
快件已从 武汉中转部 发出 | The shipment from Wuhan transit Department issued |
商家自送 | Merchants from the Send |
Out for Delivery | Для доставки |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-08 11:38 | |
【ZHONGSHAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Город ЧЖУНШАНЬ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Others due to Action: Retour | Неудачных родов из-за других, из-за действий: Возвращение |
【Lithuania】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Other】 | 【Литва】 доставки не удалось.【 Причина: Прочая】 |
中国-上海-【俄速通】已接收 | Китай, Шанхай, получено |
Processing,Left the place of reception | Обработка,покинуло место приема |
【LANGFANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города ЛАНФАН】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
您的快件已被HZ泊林印象格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been HZ Poisson forest impressions chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【MAOMING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄 | Bulk mail acceptance processing center has been posting |
广州市【广州新华景站】,【黄舒琦/***********】正在派件 | Guangzhou【Guangzhou Xinhua view stand】, and【Huang Shu Qi/***********】being a faction member |
Parcel left the transit point | |
【DONGGUAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at DONGGUAN CITY distribution center | Доставлено в распределительный центр, ДУНГУАНЬ |
Sent to processing center on 2016-11-29 10:44 | |
【Belarus】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | 【Беларуси】 Поставлены. Благодарим Вас за использование SF Экспресс. Снова смотрим вперед к служению вас |
【Russia】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | Russia】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: UA) | Отправил на зарубежные (код страны: Украина) |
Awaiting International flight-Airline Inspection | |
Customer's order information generated | Информацию о клиентах заказа с автоматически |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-01 12:08 | |
外环 | The outer ring |
【中国邮政集团公司岳阳市函件广告分局】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group company Yueyang city communications advertising Bureau] the received mail(domestic transit) |
您的快件已被SH盘古天地一期速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been SH Pangu heaven and earth for a period courier - 【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【NANJING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
到达 [沈阳基地] | Reach [Shenyang base] |
【Russia】 Shipment arrive at Russia distribution center | 【России】 доставку при распределении Россия |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-10 07:50 | |
【ZHENJIANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZHENJIANG CITY distribution center | |
【HANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at HANGZHOU CITY distribution center | 【Города Ханчжоу】 доставку при распределении центра Ханчжоу |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03005490 | |
Successful delivery | Успешная доставка |
Undeliverable in destination country | Доставлено в страну назначения |
Departure from Transit Office | Вылет из транзитного офиса |
Delivered to the destination Post | Доставлен в пункт назначения пост |
您的快件仍在FJ观风亭新苑1区A格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件 | Your shipment is still in FJ guanfeng Pavilion new Park 1 area A chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】not taken, please pick |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: DE) | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03335318 | |
【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已封发 | Guangzhou small commodity collection mail processing center has been dispatched |
【XIAMEN CITY】 Shipment arrive at XIAMEN CITY distribution center | 【Города СЯМЫНЬ】 доставку при распределении центра СЯМЭНЬ |
【United States】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
离开【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】 | Leaving the [cross-border e-Commerce comprehensive service center |
扬州市【扬州集散中心】,正发往【扬州力宝分部】 | Yangzhou【Yangzhou distribution center], is sent to the [Yangzhou Lippo division】 |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-13 11:18 | |
【SHANTOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Parcel sent to the main Distribution Center | |
【JI'AN CITY】 Shipment arrive at JI'AN CITY distribution center | |
快件派送不成功(已与收方客户约定新派送时间 2016-10-17 18:19:00),待再次派送 | Express delivery is unsuccessful(and debit the customer the agreed new delivery time 2016-10-17 1 8:1 9:0 0),to be again dispatched |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
【SHAOXING CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHAOXING CITY distribution center | |
【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄 | China Post Group Corporation Wuxi city bulk mail processing center has been posting |
【JIAXING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Public offer being sent, waiting for consignee to confirm | Публичное предложение Отправлено, ждем грузополучателю для подтверждения |
Received at Operations Facility | |
The postal item was delivered to its destination at the settlement of Achihod on 02/11/2016 | |
【SUZHOU CITY】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
【YANCHENG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【LISHUI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города ЛИШУЙ】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Parcel not arrived to sorting center | |
【台州市建设路支局】已收寄(国内经转) | Taizhou city construction Road Branch Office] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Received by line-haul successful | Полученные магистральные успешным |
【HEYUAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at HEYUAN CITY distribution center | 【Города ХЭЮАНЬ】 доставку в распределительный центр города ХЭЮАНЬ |
【Germany】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Lithuania | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-13 08:17 | |
【Latvia】 Arrived at the place of delivery, please go to pick up with notice letter | |
Customer unavailable while phone call or delivery attempt | Клиента во время телефонного звонка или попытка доставки |
【ZHAOQING CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZHAOQING CITY distribution center | |
快件在【东莞沙田集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【郑州总集散中心】 | Shipment in Dongguan Shatin distribution centre] has been loading, preparing sent to the 【Zhengzhou total dispersion center] |
离开【青岛市邮政局函件广告局销售部受理中心】 | Leave【Qingdao postal mail advertising Bureau Sales Department reception center |
到湘潭市【湘潭市区十部】 | To the Xiangtan city [in Xiangtan city district ten unit] |
Sent from the sorting area | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-18 04:09 | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Tajikistan | |
内蒙古满洲里公司的周伟***********正在派件 | Inner Mongolia Manzhouli company Zhou Wei***********being a faction member |
【HUZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【DONGGUAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | Дунгуань, отгрузка и переход к следующей станции |
Consignment posting number (reference code) assigned in the Czech Republic | Накладная проводки номер (код), присвоенный в Чехии: BA997764564VV |
Dispatch PreAlert to Kyrgyzstan | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Inbound | Шэньчжэнь, прибыло |
您的快件已被SX万达天玺B格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been SX Wanda Cullinan B chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
外地 | Field |
Departed FedEx location | |
您的快件已由黔南幼专综合楼教学楼菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | Your shipment has been by the South Guizhou young designed the building complex buildings Rookie of the Inn collection. Please with pick up the code and take the pieces of query: message/delivery details page |
【WEIHAI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
您的地址不在本市揽收范围内,如您需要在本市发货,请自行寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收 | Your address is not in the city Collection range, as you need to in the City delivery, please Delivery(recommended to use EMS)to Zhongshan West district fuhua road No. 35, post office-mail office Mr. Lai received |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用优速快递及CQ阳光美地速递易【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks to the use of preferred-speed courier and CQ sunshine beauty speed delivery - 【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
【NANCHANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at NANCHANG CITY distribution center | 【Города НАНЬЧАН】 доставку в распределительный центр города НАНЬЧАН |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: RO) | |
【中邮株洲仓】已收寄(国内经转) | In the post Zhuzhou cartridge] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Handed over to the customs | Передан на таможню |
【Russia】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Other】 | 【России】 поставки не удалось.【 Причина: Прочая】 |
Received and sent | Полученные и отправленные |
包裹超重 | Package overweight |
Unsuccessful attempt of delivery,Other | |
Flight dispatched;transit destination: Belgium;Flight #:SU213 77W | |
【BEX杭州下城区七部】揽收成功 | 【BEX Hangzhou Xiacheng district seven unit] football success |
【LONGYAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at LONGYAN CITY distribution center | |
Delivered to the addressee | Доставлено адресату |
Re-forwarding to new address | Повторная переадресация на новый адрес |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | Шанхай, отгрузка и переход к следующей станции |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-11-29 10:45 | |
【中邮沈阳仓】已收寄(国内经转) | 【In the post Shenyang cartridge] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Parcel arrived at the regional hub | Посылка прибыла в региональный центр |
【431W】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | ЧАНЧУНЬ, груз прибудет на склад |
Sent to destination country | Отправлено в страну назначения |
您的快件已被云柜凤凰台新村【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been cloud Cabinet Phoenix Station village【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
您的快件已被JS天润城第二街区格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been JS tianrun city, the second block chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【丽水市府前邮政支局】已封发(国内经转) | 【Lishui city government before the branch post office】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-03-02 14:53 | |
Shipment operation completed at facility CAN | |
您的快件被快递员贺德文取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | Your shipment is the courier he German removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone***********。 |
【K61】 Inbound | |
您已在大兴郡2期北门向西15米菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | You have in Daxing County 2 North West 15-meter novice station to complete the pickup, thanks to the use of rookie coaching Inn, look again for you. |
【南阳市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Nanyang bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Failure to give to the airline 【Reason:Examined by security control】 | 【Города ЧАНЧУНЬ】 неспособность дать авиакомпании 【причина:рассмотрены контроль безопасности】 |
【欧洲转运中心】 Shipment arrive at 欧洲转运中心 distribution center | 【European transport center] Shipment arrive at the European Hub distribution center |
Gonderi musteriden alinmistir,Receive item from customer (Otb) | |
数量达到挂件10件、平件或混装共15件,如符合条件打印面单及封装后,可致电我仓或联系客服旺旺,不达数量或不在范围内需自送或快递至我仓 | The number to reach the hanging member 1 0 Member, the flat member or the mixed Total 1 5 pieces, such as compliance with the conditions of the printing surface of the single package, you can call our warehouse or contact the customer service wangwang,do |
УСПП г.Экибастуз | |
【Poland】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
Forwarded for delivery within Russia | Препровожден для поставки в Россию |
ProcessingLeft the sorting center | |
【中邮南充仓】已收寄(国内经转) | [Mail Nanchong cartridge] the received mail(domestic transit) |
【Belarus】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【龙岩市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Longyan city bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
Dispatch PreAlert to United Kingdom | |
到哈尔滨市【哈尔滨转运中心】 | To Harbin【Harbin Transit Center] |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: FI) | |
Departed from local distribution center | Отошел от местного центра распределения |
【ZHUMADIAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZHUMADIAN CITY distribution center | |
聊城东昌府区开发区蒋官屯镇发件 | Liaocheng 东昌府区 Development Zone, Jiang officer for the village of the town hair pieces |
快件到达 武汉中转部 | The shipment arrived in Wuhan transit Department |
Item Arrived at Afonso Pena International Airport | |
Sorting Complete | Полное Сортировки |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-08 07:53 | |
【ZHONGSHAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Город ЧЖУНШАНЬ】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Fixed storage time | Фиксированное время хранения |
【Lithuania】 Arrived at the place of delivery, please go to pick up with notice letter | 【Литва】 прибыл на место доставки, пожалуйста, чтобы забрать с уведомлением письмо |
您的快件仍在HZ泊林印象格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | Your shipment is still in HZ Poisson forest impressions chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】not take, please take. |
Pending the issuance of a destination | До выпуска назначения |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | 【Шанхай】 груз прибудет на склад |
【MAOMING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Unsuccessful attempt of delivery,The addressee will pick up postal item himself | Неудачная попытка вручения,адресат заберет почтовое отправление сам |
到广州市【广州新华景站】 | To Guangzhou【Guangzhou Xinhua view Station] |
General delivery agreed | Общие поставки согласованы |
Information Received (This is not an acknowledgment of the physical receipt of the stated Registered Article) | Информация, полученная (это не признание физического получения указанных зарегистрированные статья) |
Departed Operations facility – In Transit | |
Sent from the collection center | Присылаемые из центра сбора |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHENZHEN CITY distribution center | Шэньчжэнь, распределительный центр |
Russia-Tixoreck,352125-Wait for self pickup | |
The postal item arrived at the Solomon Center postal unit in Modiin on 17/01/2017 for delivery to the addressee. (מספר מדף ג-1372) | |
Item received by [SHENZHEN] Logistics Centre | Товар получен по [Шэньчжэнь] логистический центр |
Parcel customs cleared failed | Посылку растаможить не удалось |
数量未达揽收标准或地址不在本市揽收范围内,请自送或寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收0760-23325695 | The number does not meet the collection criteria or the address is not in the city Collection range, please self-delivery or delivery of(recommended to use EMS)to Zhongshan West district fuhua Road 3, No. 5 post office-mail office Mr. Lai received 0 7 6 0 |
China-HangZhou-Package received by shipper | |
商家未备货完成 | Ожидание получения от отправителя. |
您的快件已被摩天石小区2期【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been Ferris stone cell 2【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【NANJING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
离开 [无锡基地] 发往 [沈阳基地] | Leave [Wuxi base] sent to the [Shenyang base] |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Outbound | Отправлено, Чанчунь |
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kozel`sk 249720 | Таможенное оформление, Выпущено таможней, Козельск 249720 |
【ZHENJIANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【JINHUA CITY】 Shipment arrive at JINHUA CITY distribution center | 【ЦЗИНЬХУА город】 доставку при распределении центра города ЦЗИНЬХУА |
The postal item arrived at the Rishon Letzion postal unit in Rishon Letzion. The addressee was notified for the second time on 25/01/2017 to claim the item at the postal unit. (מספר מדף ג-2869) | |
Delivery,To the addressee by a mail carrier | |
快件在【烟台Z】装车,正发往【莱阳F】,扫描员是【辛宗顺】 | Express in [Yantai Z] the packing of the car, being sent to the [laiyang F], the scanning member is [Oct Zong shun】 |
到达目的国 | Reach the destination country |
您的快件已被FJ观风亭新苑1区A格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been FJ guanfeng Pavilion new Park 1 area A chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: SK) | |
Forwarded by air transport | Пересылаемого воздушным транспортом |
【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已收寄 | Guangzhou small commodity collection mail processing center has been posting |
【XIAMEN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города СЯМЫНЬ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
【Netherlands】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已封发 | Cross-border e-Commerce Integrated Services Centre] has been dispatched |
到扬州市【扬州集散中心】 | To Yangzhou【Yangzhou Distribution Center】 |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-13 11:19 | |
The item was unclaimed after an attempt to deliver it to the addressee on 31/10/2016 and it will be returned to the sender | Товар оказался невостребованным после попытки доставить его адресату на 31/10/2016 и он будет возвращен отправителю |
Parcel is clearing customs | |
【JI'AN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
正在派送途中,请您准备签收(派件人:李剑峰,电话:***********) | Is the delivery way,please you are ready to sign for(delivery person:Li Jianfeng,Telephone:***********) |
Item Arrived at Uzbekistan | Пункт прибыл в Узбекистан |
【SHAOXING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
离开【中山市邮政局函件集邮局商函广告公司】 | Leave【Zhongshan City post office mail philatelic Bureau, business letter, advertising company |
【JIAXING CITY】 Shipment arrive at JIAXING CITY distribution center | |
【Ukraine】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Wrong or Invaild address (includes relocation of customer's address)】 | 【Украине】 поставки не удалось.【 Причина: неправильное или Invaild адрес (включая переезд адрес клиента)】 |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: AM) | Готовится к отправке (код страны: АМ) |
【中国邮政集团公司苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄 | China Post Group Corporation, Suzhou city bulk mail processing center has been posting |
【YANCHENG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【HUIZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at HUIZHOU CITY distribution center | 【Городе huizhou】 доставку в распределительный центр ХУЭЙЧЖОУ город |
Arrived at local post office | |
Security check success | Проверка безопасности успех |
【HEYUAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города ХЭЮАНЬ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
【Germany】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Lithuania | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-13 08:18 | |
【Latvia】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Other】 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: MD) | Готовится к отправке (код: МД) |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: KZ) | Прибытие в пункт назначения сообщение (Страна: Казахстан) |
快件在【东莞大朗集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【东莞沙田集散中心】 | Shipment in Dongguan Dalang Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the Dongguan Shatin distribution centre] |
【青岛市邮政局函件广告局销售部受理中心】已封发 | Qingdao post office-mail advertising Bureau Sales Department reception Center】has been dispatched |
湘潭市【湘潭集散仓】,正发往【湘潭市区十一部】 | Xiangtan city [in Xiangtan distribution warehouse, and is sent to the [Xiangtan city, region XI Department】 |
Parcel arrived in sort center | |
快件已签收,感谢您使用中通快递 | Shipments have been received,Thank you for using pass Express |
【漳州蓝田国际大宗处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Zhangzhou Lantian international bulk Processing Centre] has been posting(domestic transit) |
Loaded to Locker | Загружено в шкафчик |
快件到达内蒙古满洲里公司,正在分捡中 ,上一站是哈尔滨分拨中心 | The shipment arrived in Inner Mongolia Manzhouli company,are sorting ,on a station is Harbin Distribution Center |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Outbound | Шанхай, отправлено |
The consignment was accepted by post office of exchange | Груз был принят почтового отделения обмена |
【YANGJIANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at YANGJIANG CITY distribution center | |
【MOW01A】 Arrived at the destination country | MOW01A】 Arrived at the destination country |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02665738 | |
您的快件已被SX蓝水假日格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been SX blue water holidays chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Failure to cancel your order | |
Picked up,Package received after FedEx cutoff | |
已签收,签收人是本人 | Have been received,the person who signed for is himself |
【WEIHAI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Successful departure from overseaWarehouse | Успешный отход от overseaWarehouse |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用百世总部及景山花园e栈【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks to the use of BES headquarters and Jingshan garden e stack【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
【NANCHANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города НАНЬЧАН】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Exported | Экспортировать |
【中国邮政集团公司济南市函件广告局大宗业务】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation, Jinan, mail advertising Bureau large business】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Registered | Зарегистрирован |
【Ukraine】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | 【Поставляется Украине】. Благодарим Вас за использование SF Экспресс. Снова смотрим вперед к служению вас |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03060755 | Пункт отправки. ПКГ#:PKG03060755 |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: BR) | |
Костанай | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02898987 | |
杭州市【BEX杭州下城区七部】,正发往【杭州转运中心】 | Hangzhou【BEX Hangzhou Xiacheng district seven unit], are sent to the【Hangzhou transport center] |
【LONGYAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【WUXI CITY】 Shipment arrive at WUXI CITY distribution center | 【Городе wuxi】 доставку при распределении центра уси |
Exchanged; Flight#:4B6478 | |
Not handed over during delivery | |
您的地址不在本市揽收范围内,如您需在本市线上发货,请自行寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收 | Your address is not in the city Collection range, as you need to in the city online Delivery, self-Delivery(recommended to use EMS)to Zhongshan West district fuhua road No. 35, post office-mail office Mr. Lai received |
【BAISHAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
货件发往目的国邮局 | Shipment sent to the destination country's post office |
您的快件被快递员15973729985取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | Your shipment is the courier 15973729985 removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone |
您的快件已被民乐居【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been folk living【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【丽水市府前邮政支局】已收寄(国内经转) | 【Lishui city government before the branch post office】a received mail(domestic transit) |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-03-02 04:15 | |
Parcel depart from hub | Посылки отправляются из центра |
北京市【BEX北京西城区世通分部】,正发往【北京转运中心】 | Beijing【BEX Xicheng District, Beijing WorldCom division, and are sent to the [Beijing Transit Center] |
您的快件已由大兴郡2期北门向西15米菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | Your shipment has been Daxing County 2 North West 15-meter novice Station collection. Please with pick up the code and take the pieces of query: message/delivery details page |
【南阳市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | Nanyang bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
Rejected by authorities | Отклонены властями |
Problem encountered at call center | Проблема в call-центр |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-12 13:04 | |
УСПП г. Павлодар | |
【Poland】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Other】 | |
您的快件已被JS东方天郡西区丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been JS Eastern day County in the West area the abundance of nest【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Due to its size or weight an SMS was sent to the addresse and the item will be forwarded to the postal unit for delivery | |
The item was sent from Sweden on | |
Sent abroad | Отправили за границу |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-03-13 10:21 | |
离开【金华市小包分局】 | Leave【Jinhua small branch |
Warehouse processing unsuccessful-Check | |
Item Arrived at Kazakhstan | Товар прибыл в Казахстан |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-02-22 12:57 | Прибыло в сортировочный центр назначения на 2017-02-22 12:57 |
离开【泉州市邮政函件局】 | Leave【Quanzhou postal letter Bureau |
【ZHUMADIAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
武汉市场部 的 小储3-宝莱如情专卖 已揽件 | Wuhan field portion of the small reservoir 3-Horai such as the case of monopoly has been the embrace member |
Item Sent to BRAZIL | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-08 07:54 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Estonia | |
Order has been Cancelled | Заказ был отменен |
【HUAI'AN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【\\ХУАЙ\'город】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Célországba elküldve / Item sent abroad | Country of destination is sent / Item sent abroad |
Russia-Vladimir,600026-Wait for self pickup | |
【JIANGMEN CITY】 Shipment arrive at JIANGMEN CITY distribution center | 【Городе ЦЗЯНМЭНЬ】 доставку в распределительный центр ЦЗЯНМЭНЬ города |
【CHAOZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
The shipment has been sent from origin country | Груз был отправлен из страны происхождения |
广州市【广州夏良转运中心】,正发往【广州新华景站】 | Guangzhou【Guangzhou summer good the Transit Center], is sent to the【Guangzhou Xinhua view Station] |
【SHAOXING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【中山市邮政局函件集邮局商函广告公司】已封发 | Zhongshan post office mail philatelic Bureau, business letter, advertising company] has been dispatched |
【昆明市大宗邮件收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | 【Kunming, bulk mail acceptance Center] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Please contact us for re-delivery: Email:, Tel | |
Received at Origin Facility | |
passed customs clearance | прошло таможенное оформление |
【HONGKONG】 Success in giving to the airline | Гонконг, принято авиакомпанией |
【HULUDAO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Городе ХУЛУДАО】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
中国-哈尔滨-中邮完成交寄 | China-Harbin-mail complete send |
The postal item arrived at the central postal unit in Modiin on 16/01/2017. Due to its size and/or weight it will be forwarded to the Solomon Center postal unit to be delivered there | |
Item being sent to [SHENZHEN] Logistics Centre | Пункт будут отправлены в [Шэньчжэнь] логистический центр |
未满足起揽数量 | Not meet the From Football the number of |
您的快件被快递员刘平安取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | Your shipment is the courier Liu pingan removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone***********。 |
您已在涉外聚有超市二楼菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | You have been in foreign poly a supermarket on the second floor rookie coaching Inn complete pickup, thanks to the use of rookie coaching Inn, look again for you. |
Predes-Item connected to receptacle | Predes-элемент подключен к разъему |
地址不在揽收范围 | Address is not in the Collection range |
您的快件已被JS桂花园速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been JS osmanthus garden Express delivery - 【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
数量未达揽收标准(挂10件以上,平20件以上),请自送或寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收0760-23325695 | The number does not meet the collection standards pending 1 0 or more, the level of the 2 0 above, from the Send or delivery(recommended to use EMS)to Zhongshan West district fuhua Road 3, No. 5 post office-mail office Mr. Lai received 0 7 6 0-2 3 3 2 5 6 |
到达 [无锡基地] | Reach [Wuxi base] |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Failure to give to the airline 【Reason:Security hold】 | 【Города ЧАНЧУНЬ】 неспособность дать авиакомпании 【причина безопасности:провести】 |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Шанхай】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Handed over to customs, Kozel`sk 249720 | Передано таможне, Козельск 249720 |
【ZHENJIANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【JINHUA CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | ЦЗИНЬХУА, отгрузка и переход к следующей станции |
The postal item arrived at the Rishon Letzion postal unit in Rishon Letzion on 19/01/2017 for delivery to the addressee. (מספר מדף ג-2869) | |
您的快件仍在HB红旗欣居C区一期格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | Your shipment is still in the HB red welcomes habitat Area C phase chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】not take, please take. |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: KZ) | Отправил на зарубежные (код страны: КЗ) |
快件到达【烟台Z】,上一站是【济南Z】,扫描员是【曾胜银】 | The shipment arrives【Yantai Z】,on a station is [Jinan Z], the scanning member is [was wins Silver】 |
Depart from Overseas Processing Facility | Покинуло склад |
【HEFEI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
您的快件被快递员15081701611取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | Your shipment is the courier 15081701611 removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone |
【JIANGMEN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Городе ЦЗЯНМЭНЬ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Dispatched from the sorting center | Отправлен из сортировочного центра |
离开【武汉大宗收寄中心】 | Leave【Wuhan bulk posting center |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-17 12:00 | |
【XIAMEN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города СЯМЫНЬ】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
【SHIJIAZHUANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHIJIAZHUANG CITY distribution center | 【Города ШИЦЗЯЧЖУАН】 доставку при распределении центра ШИЦЗЯЧЖУАН |
【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已收寄 | Cross-border e-Commerce Integrated Services Centre] has been posting |
苏州市【苏州转运中心】,正发往【扬州集散中心】 | Suzhou city【Suzhou transport centre] is sent to [the Yangzhou Distribution Center】 |
【010W】 Success in giving to the airline | 【010W】 успех в предоставлении авиакомпании |
The postal item arrived at the babushka postal unit in Bat Yam on 31/10/2016 for delivery to the addressee. (מספר מדף ג-1239) | Почтовое отправление прибыло в почтовое подразделение бабушка в Бат-яме на 31/10/2016 для доставки адресату. (מספר מדף ג\'-1239) |
【JI'AN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【JIAOZUO CITY】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: 】 | 【Jiaozuo города】 доставки не удалось.【 Причина: 】 |
离开【中国邮政集团公司泰州市大宗邮件处理中心】 | Leave【China Post Group company in Taizhou city bulk mail processing center |
【新喀里多尼亚努美阿跨境合作点】 Shipment arrive at 新喀里多尼亚努美阿跨境合作点 distribution center | 【Noumea, New Caledonia, cross-border cooperation] Shipment arrive at Noumea, New Caledonia, cross-border cooperation point distribution center |
In the delivery process | |
已签收,感谢使用顺丰,期待再次为您服务 | Have been received,thanks to the use of SF,look forward to once again serving you |
【LONGYAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Despatching | Отправлял |
快件在【东莞沙田集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【沈阳浑南新区集散中心】 | Shipment in Dongguan Shatin distribution centre] has been loading, preparing sent to the 【Shenyang hunnan New District Distribution Center】 |
Item Arrived at Georgia | |
Package sent | Пакет отправлен |
Unclaimed in Locker | Невостребованные в шкафчике |
Customs cleared successfully | Таможня успешно очищен |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03210183 | |
离开【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】 | Leave【China Post Group Corporation, Zhejiang Province, Yiwu City mail order distribution company |
数量未达揽收标准(挂10件,平20件),请自送或者自行寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收***********5 | The number does not meet the collection standards, hang 10, level 20 member, please self-feeding or self-Delivery(recommended to use EMS)to Zhongshan West district fuhua road No. 35, post office-mail office Mr. Lai received***********5 |
【HEYUAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города ХЭЮАНЬ】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
【France】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
液体 | Liquid |
Item outbound | Подготовка к отправке |
Arrived at office of exchange | Прибыл в учреждение обмена |
【Latvia】 Arrived at the destination country | |
您的快件已由政苑小区东田造型对面23至25排巷内菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | Your shipment has been by the Administrative Court cell East field modeling across the 23 to 25 rows of lane a rookie coaching Inn collection. Please with pick up the code and take the pieces of query: message/delivery details page |
In the P.O.Box | |
快件在【东莞凤岗凤岗五金城营业部】已装车,准备发往 【东莞大朗集散中心】 | Shipment in Dongguan fenggang fenggang hardware City business unit] has been loading, preparing sent to Dongguan Dalang Distribution Center】 |
【青岛市邮政局函件广告局销售部受理中心】已收寄 | Qingdao post office-mail advertising Bureau Sales Department receiving Center has been posting |
到湘潭市【湘潭集散仓】 | To the Xiangtan city [in Xiangtan distribution warehouse】 |
Customs is over | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03140127 | |
【漳州蓝田国际大宗处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | Zhangzhou Lantian international bulk Processing Centre] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
包裹超大 | Parcels oversized |
快件离开哈尔滨分拨中心,已发往内蒙古满洲里公司 | The shipment left the Harbin Distribution Center,has been sent to Inner Mongolia Manzhouli company |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Inbound | Шанхай, прибыло |
The consignment was sent to the Czech Republic | Груз был отправлен в Чехию |
【YANGJIANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】Airline inspection succeeded | Передано авиакомпании, Чанчунь |
The postal item arrived at the Haifa West postal unit in Haifa. The addressee was notified on 17/01/2017 to claim the item at the postal unit. (מספר מדף ג-1513) | |
您的快件已被云柜御花园【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been cloud Cabinet Imperial Garden【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【长春国际小包集中收寄处】已封发(国内经转) | Changchun international Parcel centralized posting place] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
At local FedEx facility | |
【浙江义乌公司】的派件员【宣仁生1】正在派件 | 【Yiwu, Zhejiang company] faction member member of the [Xuan Yan sang 1 is the faction member |
【HEFEI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Delivered to the post office | Доставлено в почтовое отделение |
您的快件已被CQ阳光美地速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been CQ sunshine beauty speed delivery - 【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【NANCHANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города НАНЬЧАН】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03261939 | |
【中国邮政集团公司济南市函件广告局大宗业务】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation, Jinan, mail advertising Bureau large business] the received mail(domestic transit) |
Russia-Bryansk,241013-Wait for self pickup | |
【Ukraine】 Arrived at the place of delivery, please go to pick up with notice letter | 【Украине】 прибыл на место доставки, пожалуйста, чтобы забрать с уведомлением письмо |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-06 12:38 | |
【洛阳市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | 【Luoyang bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
УСПП г. Костанай | |
到广州市【广州夏良转运中心】 | To Guangzhou【Guangzhou summer good transport center] |
Pending the approval of delivery date and time | |
【WUXI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Городе wuxi】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
【景德镇市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | 【Jingdezhen bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
Waiting for client | |
Send item abroad (EDI-received),Air,MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE | |
【BAISHAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item Arrived at Amsterdam-Schiphol | |
您的快件已被HB青青美庐丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been HB green beauty Lu Feng nest【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
您已在重庆华润二十四城二期店完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | You have been in Chongqing huarun twenty-four city Phase II shop to complete the pickup, thanks to the use of rookie coaching Inn, look again for you. |
您已在政苑小区东田造型对面23至25排巷内完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | You have been in the Administrative Court cell East field modeling across the 2 3 to 2 5 row Lane is completed within the pickup, thanks to the use of rookie coaching Inn, look again for you. |
【HUAIHUA CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【BEX北京西城区世通分部】揽收成功 | 【BEX Xicheng District, Beijing shitong division】embrace success |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用顺丰速运及富荣大厦速递易【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | Have been received, the person who signed for with the pickup code sign. Thanks to the use of SF and Fu Rong building courier - 【from mentioning the Cabinet, and look forward to once again serve you. |
Received into final destination country | Поступило в страну назначения |
【石狮邮政商函公司】已封发(国内经转) | 【Shishi postal business letter, company] has been terminated(domestic transit) |
您已在中铁骑士公馆小区6栋1楼102室菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | You have been in the iron Knight mansion district 6 building 1 floor room 102 rookie coaching Inn complete pickup, thanks to the use of rookie coaching Inn, look again for you. |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-12 07:40 | |
Parcel is out for delivery 1 times | |
郑州 | Zhengzhou |
未满足起揽数量地址不在揽收范围 | Not meet the starting to embrace the number of the address is not in the Collection range |
Arrived at the postal unit for delivery to addressee (shelf no ג-1072) | |
The postal item was forwarded on 06/10/2016 for distribution at the settlement of Achihod | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: AM) | |
Item was uplifted to flight to destination country | Предмет был поднят на рейс в страну назначения |
Delivery,To addressee with answer control | |
Item Sent to KAZAKHSTAN | Пункт отправлены в Казахстан |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-22 07:51 | Отправлено ИКН центр обработки 2017-02-22 07:51 |
【泉州市邮政函件局】已封发 | Quanzhou postal letter Bureau】has been dispatched |
【ZHUMADIAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳跨境合作点】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | 【哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳跨境合作点】 отправление пересылается, пожалуйста, терпеливо ждать |
等待商家集货 | Wait for the merchant sets goods |
Estimated Delivery:7-15 days | Примерный срок доставки:7-15 дней |
Dispatch PreAlert to Estonia | |
【TIANJIN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【HUAI'AN CITY】 Shipment arrive at HUAI'AN CITY distribution center | 【\\ХУАЙ\'город】 груз прибудет на распределение центра\\ХУАЙ\' |
Küldemény postai átvétele a küldő országban / Item accepted in origin country | Consignment postal receipt of the sending country / Item accepted in origin country |
【CHANGSHA CITY】 Shipment arrive at CHANGSHA CITY distribution center | |
【JIANGMEN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Городе ЦЗЯНМЭНЬ】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
【CHAOZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
The shipment has been collected | Отгрузка была собрана |
【中国邮政集团公司泰州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发 | China Post Group company in Taizhou city bulk mail processing center has been dispatched |
【Estonia】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Эстонии】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
【已签收,签收人是代理点】 | [Sign, sign for the person who is proxy] |
【摩尔多瓦基希讷乌跨境合作点】 Shipment arrive at 摩尔多瓦基希讷乌跨境合作点 distribution center | 【Chisinau, Moldova cross-border cooperation] Shipment arrive at Chisinau, Moldova cross-border cooperation point distribution center |
【中山市邮政局函件集邮局商函广告公司】已收寄 | Zhongshan post office mail philatelic Bureau, business letter, advertising company] has been posting |
【昆明市大宗邮件收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | 【Kunming, bulk mail acceptance Center] has been receiving mail(domestic transit) |
【中国邮政集团公司嘉兴市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | 【China Post Group Corporation, Jiaxing City letter Bureau】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Record created | |
Submitted to the customs | Представленный к Таможенному |
【Russia】 Arrived at the place of delivery, please go to pick up with notice letter | Russia】 Arrived at the place of delivery, please go to pick up with notice letter |
【HULUDAO CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Городе ХУЛУДАО】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
【中国邮政集团公司湖州市商函广告分公司】已封发(国内经转) | 【China Post Group Corporation Huzhou City, business letter, advertising branch】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Item being handed over to the local courier, tracking ended, estimated delivery : 7-15 days | Товар был передан в руки местных курьера, отслеживание закончилось, примерный срок доставки : 7-15 дней |
【K30】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【К30】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
商家为备货完成 | The merchant for stock finish |
您的快件被快递员李取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | Your shipment is the courier Lee removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone***********。 |
您的包裹己到达菜鸟测试县站点出库 | Your package has reached rookie test County site out of the library |
(Country code: RU) | (Код страны: Россия) |
【南岸区客户服务中心】已封发(国内经转) | South Bank customer service center] has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
广东省茂名市化州市公司 已收入 | Guangdong Province, Maoming city 化州市 the company has income |
等待商家电话通知上门揽收 | Wait for the merchant to telephone notification door-to-Door collection |
离开 [江苏_配送区部_昆山分拨站] 发往 [无锡基地] | Leave [Jiangsu _ distribution area of the Department of _ Kunshan sub-dial Station] sent to the [Wuxi base] |
正在派送途中,请您准备签收(派件人:闫文辉,电话:***********) | Is the delivery way,please you are ready to sign for(delivery person:Yan Wenhui,Telephone:***********) |
【QUANZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at QUANZHOU CITY distribution center | 【ЦЮАНЬЧЖОУ】 доставку в распределительный центр город ЦЮАНЬЧЖОУ |
Arrival exchange | Обмен прибытии |
【JINHUA CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | ЦЗИНЬХУА, прибыло |
The postal item arrived at the central postal unit in Rishon Letzion on 17/01/2017. Due to its size and/or weight it will be forwarded to the Rishon Letzion postal unit to be delivered there | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: CO) | |
快件在【济南Z】装车,正发往【烟台Z】,扫描员是【石红卫】 | Express in [Jinan Z] the packing of the car, being sent to the【Yantai Z], the scanning member is the [Shi Hongwei】 |
Processing,Arrived at the place of international exchange | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Germany | Отправка PreAlert в Германию |
您的快件已被BJ北京新天地一期格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been BJ Beijing Xintiandi phase chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【YANGJIANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города ЯНЦЗЯН】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
离开分拣中心 | Left the sorting center |
【武汉大宗收寄中心】已封发 | Wuhan bulk posting Center] has been dispatched |
Outbound in sorting center | Исходящие в сортировочный центр |
Передан в службу доставки | |
【SHIJIAZHUANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города ШИЦЗЯЧЖУАН】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
【广州互换局】已出口开拆 | Guangzhou swap Board】have the outlet to open |
到苏州市【苏州转运中心】 | To Suzhou city【Suzhou transport center] |
Return,Refusal of the addressee | |
An attempt was made to deliver the item to the addressee on 11/10/2016 (מספר מדף ג-130) | Была предпринята попытка доставить товар адресату на 11/10/2016 (מספר מדף ג\'-130) |
Parcel has cleared customs | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: FR) | |
快件派送不成功(因休息日或假期客户不便收件),待工作日再次派送 | Express delivery is unsuccessful(due to rest days or holidays customer inconvenience to the recipient),to be working days again for delivery |
【洛阳市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | 【Luoyang bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has received mail(domestic transit) |
Участок по приему и отправки почтовых отправлений г. Алматы | |
The consignment is being transported to the delivering post office | Груз перевозится на доставку почтовое отделение |
正在派送途中,请您准备签收(派件人:杨俊辉,电话:***********) | Is the delivery way,please you are ready to sign for(delivery person:Jun Yang Hui,Telephone:***********) |
物流订单创建 | Logistics order is created |
Processing,Left international office of exchange | |
快件在【中山三角集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【东莞沙田集散中心】 | Shipment in Zhongshan triangular Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the Dongguan Shatin distribution centre] |
Item Sent to GEORGIA | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: TM) | |
Item posting | Пункт размещения |
Departure to country of destination | |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Addressee requested later delivery due to Action: Others | Неудачная доставка за счет адресата просил доставку позже из-за действий: другие |
The shipment item is under transportation, The item has been dispatched from Direct Link's international terminal for onward transport to the country of destination | |
【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已封发 | China Post Group Corporation, Zhejiang Province, Yiwu City mail order distribution company] has been dispatched |
Leave the transit coutry | Покинуть транзитную страну |
齐签收 | Qi sign |
Handing over by warrant | |
请自送或邮寄至广州仓。(备注:请不要通过“速尔公司”邮寄,因不投递到户,建议交邮政EMS邮寄至我仓 | Please send or mail to the Guangzhou warehouse. (Note: Please don't by the“super company”by mail, due to non-delivery to the user, the proposed cross-post EMS mailed to my warehouse |
Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: AM) | Прибытие в процессинговый центр (код страны: АМ) |
【RIX01W】 Shipment transiting to destination country | 【RIX01W】 отгрузки транзитом в страну назначения |
您的快件已被云柜华佳梅苑东区【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been cloud Cabinet huajia Meiyuan East zone【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Attempted to delivery | |
Russia-Ekaterinburg-Arrival at destination country | Россия-Екатеринбург-Прибытие в страну назначения |
长沙市【长沙转运中心】,正发往【湘潭集散仓】 | Changsha【Changsha Transit Centre] is sent to [in Xiangtan distribution warehouse】 |
Parcel transferred to the customs | |
Package is abandoned in overseaWarehouse | |
【BEIJING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Костанай 4 | |
快件到达哈尔滨分拨中心,正在分捡中 ,上一站是北京分拨中心 | The shipment arrives at Harbin distribution center,are sorting ,on a Station Beijing Distribution Center |
Send item to customs (Inb) | Отправить вопрос по таможне (Инб) |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHANGHAI CITY distribution center | Прибыло в распределительный центр Шанхая |
����� | |
【Europe Distribution Center】 Shipment transiting to next station | Отгружено из Европейского распределительного центра, переход к следующей станции |
Exchanged; Flight#:U6750 | Обмен; Рейс#:U6750 |
您的快件已被HZ寰宇天下C区格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been HZ international world Area C chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【长春国际小包集中收寄处】已收寄(国内经转) | Changchun international Parcel centralized posting place] has been posting(domestic transit) |
At FedEx origin facility | |
【浙江义乌公司】已收入 | 【Yiwu, Zhejiang company has income |
【HEFEI CITY】 Shipment arrive at HEFEI CITY distribution center | |
Transmission for delivery | Передачи для доставки |
您的快件仍在GZ保利麓苑格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | Your shipment is still in GZ poly Lu Yuan Princess warehouse【from mentioning Cabinet】not take, please take. |
【Belarus】 Shipment arrive at Belarus distribution center | |
Ready for self pickup | Готов к самостоятельной самовывоз |
【中国邮政集团公司扬州市大宗邮件收寄处理中】已封发(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Yangzhou bulk mail acceptance process】have been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-18 12:18 | |
【Ukraine】 The customs clearance is completed | Завершено 【Украине】 таможенное оформление |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-06 07:47 | |
Depart for delivery to addressee | Отправление для доставки адресату |
Airline departure | Вылета авиакомпании |
潍坊市【潍坊转运中心】,正发往【广州转运中心】 | Weifang city【Weifang Transit Center], is sent to the【Guangzhou Transit Center] |
Parcel is ready for dispatch | |
【WUXI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Городе wuxi】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
【HENGYANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【烟台市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | 【Yantai bulk mail acceptance processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Insert item into bag (Otb),Air,MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE | |
Open and open | Открывать и открывать |
Item Sent to NETHERLANDS | |
您的快件被快递员15276627076取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | Your shipment is the courier 15276627076 removed, please wait for the courier with your contact phone |
您的快件仍在云柜银河金座西门保安室旁【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | Your shipment is still in the cloud locker for Galaxy gold base West Gate security room next to the【From mentioning Cabinet】not take, please take. |
Product Delivered (Country code: KZ) | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-03-02 04:00 | |
【BEIJING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Пекин】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
您的快件已被富荣大厦速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been Fu Rong building courier - 【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Departed from sorting hub | Посылка вылетела из центра сортировки |
【石狮邮政商函公司】已收寄(国内经转) | 【Shishi postal business letter, company has received mail(domestic transit) |
您的快件仍在FJ观风亭新苑1区A格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | Your shipment is still in FJ guanfeng Pavilion new Park 1 area A chomp warehouses【from mentioning Cabinet】not take, please take. |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-12 07:41 | |
Unsuccessful attempt | Неудачная попытка |
Item Sent to POLAND | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Brazil | |
Shipment confirmation | Подтверждение отгрузки |
【布拉迪斯拉发合作点】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
离开【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】 | Leave【China Post Group Corporation, Nanjing, postal communications authority |
Item Sent to KYRGYZSTAN | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Kazakhstan | Товар размещен по счетчику в Казахстан |
Item Sent to CANADA | |
【泉州市邮政函件局】已收寄 | Quanzhou postal letter Bureau】has been posting |
【中国邮政集团公司西安市商函广告局】已封发(国内经转) | 【China Post Group Corporation, XI'an, business letter, advertising Board】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Exchanged; Flight#:TRUCK2-X118-MU591 | Обмен; рейс№: TRUCK2-по-x118-MU591 |
【Latvia】 Shipment arrive at Latvia distribution center | 【Латвии】 доставку при распределении Латвии центр |
【TIANJIN CITY】 Shipment arrive at TIANJIN CITY distribution center | |
【SUQIAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at SUQIAN CITY distribution center | 【Городе suqian】 отгрузка прибыть в СУЦЯНЬ распределительного центра |
Parcel being signed receipt by customer | Посылка расписку клиентом |
【CHANGSHA CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【WEIFANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города ВЭЙФАН】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
正在派送途中,请您准备签收(派件人:王朝阳,电话:***********) | Is the delivery way,please you are ready to sign for(delivery man:dynasty Yang,Telephone:***********) |
【中国邮政集团公司泰州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄 | China Post Group company in Taizhou city bulk mail processing center has been posting |
【Estonia】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Эстонии】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
您的快件已由重师南门口水刘店楼上菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | Your shipment has been re-division of the South Entrance of water Liu shop upstairs rookie coaching Inn collection. Please with pick up the code and take the pieces of query: message/delivery details page |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: BY) | Прибытие в пункт назначения сообщение (страна: с) |
In transit to destination post hub | |
【FOSHAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at FOSHAN CITY distribution center | 【Города ФОШАНЬ】 доставку при распределении центра ФОШАНЬ |
Shipment Update | |
Arrived in the sorting center | Прибыло в сортировочный центр |
【HONG KONG】 Shipment arrive at HONG KONG distribution center | Гонконг, доставлено в распределительный центр Гонконга |
Adopted mailing to send | Принят рассылки для отправки |
【中国邮政集团公司湖州市商函广告分公司】已收寄(国内经转) | 【China Post Group Corporation Huzhou City, business letter, advertising Branch] the received mail(domestic transit) |
【huadong】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | 【хуадун】 отгрузки на склад |
等待商家电话通知揽收 | Wait for the merchant to call the collection |
您的快件已被山水华庭(黄石)速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been Shanshui Huating Huangshi)courier - 【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
您的包裹己到达菜鸟测试县站点 | Your package has reached rookie test County site |
【南岸区客户服务中心】已收寄(国内经转) | South Bank customer service center] has the received mail(domestic transit) |
您的快件已被SH微系统与信息技术研究所正门e栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been SH micro-system and Information Technology Institute of the main entrance of the e-stack【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | Шэньчжэнь, груз прибудет на склад |
已取件,到达 [江苏_配送区部_昆山分拨站] | Has a pickup, reaches [Jiangsu _ distribution area of the Department of _ Kunshan sub-dial Station] |
快件在【呼伦贝尔】已装车,准备发往 【呼伦贝尔市满洲里市鑫华源小区营业点】 | Express in [hulunbuir] The has been loading, preparing sent to the [hulunbeier city Manzhouli Xin Hua source cell operating point】 |
【QUANZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【ЦЮАНЬЧЖОУ】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kozel`sk 249720 | Обработка, прибыло на территорию Российской Федерации, Козельск 249720 |
不在揽收范围 | Not in Collection range |
【GUANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | 【Города Гуанчжоу】 отгрузки переход к следующей станции |
The postal item arrived at the central postal unit in Rishon Letzion on 16/01/2017. Due to its size and/or weight it will be forwarded to the postal unit closest to the addressee to be delivered there | |
Item detained (unfit for Airmail delivery). Please contact the company you made this purchase from | Товар задержан (непригодными для доставки авиапочтой). Обратитесь в компанию, вы совершили эту покупку из |
快件到达【济南Z】,上一站是【泉州Z】,扫描员是【安林海】 | The shipment arrives【Jinan Z】,on a station is [Quanzhou, Z], the scanning member is【Ann Lin Hai】 |
超大 | Oversized |
departed from export center | отошел от экспортного центра |
Outbound clearance start | Исходящие начать оформление |
Return item from customs (Inb) | Возврат с таможни (Инб) |
Dispatched by the postal office of exchange | Отправляется почтовое отделение обмена |
【武汉大宗收寄中心】已收寄 | Wuhan bulk posting Center] has been posting |
Arrive at destination county | Прибытие в уезд назначения |
В стадии комплектации и отгрузки | |
【SHIJIAZHUANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города ШИЦЗЯЧЖУАН】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
离开【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】 | Leave【China Post Group company Foshan-mail philatelic Bureau |
厦门市【厦门转运中心】,正发往【苏州转运中心】 | Xiamen【Xiamen Transit Center], is sent to the【Suzhou transport center] |
Address changed | Адрес изменился |
Sent to processing center on 2016-11-15 11:13 | |
【上饶市邮政局大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | 【Shangrao postal service bulk mail to focus the received mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Passport data obtained via call-center | Паспортных данных, полученных через колл-центр |
Item Arrived at Poland | |
【Ukraine】 Customs clearance in progress | 【Украине】 таможенное оформление в прогресс |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-06 07:48 | |
【HANGZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | 【Города Ханчжоу】 S. F. выразить поднял груз |
Участок по обработке международной почты г. Алматы | |
快件在【呼伦贝尔海拉尔成吉集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【呼伦贝尔市满洲里市鑫华源小区营业点】 | Express in [hulunbuir Hailar to Regis Distribution Center] has been loading, preparing sent to the [hulunbeier city Manzhouli Xin Hua source cell operating point】 |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03261971 | |
Customs clearance completed,Released by customs | |
快件在【中山市和穗大道东营业部】已装车,准备发往 【中山三角集散中心】 | Shipment in Zhongshan and spike Avenue Dongying business unit] has been loading, preparing sent to the 【Zhongshan triangular Distribution Center】 |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Georgia | |
Departure from navigation | |
HKG - Package With Battery | Гонконг - пакет с батареей |
【PUTIAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at PUTIAN CITY distribution center | |
The shipment item is under transportation, Item received for processing | |
【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已收寄 | China Post Group Corporation, Zhejiang Province, Yiwu City mail order distribution company] has the recipient sent |
Arrival at local delivery office | Прибытие в местное отделение доставки |
到达义乌后宅街道 | To reach Yiwu home after the street |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: PE) | |
Item detained (unfit for Airmail delivery).Please contact the company you made this purchase from | Товар задержан (непригодными для доставки авиапочтой).Обратитесь в компанию, вы совершили эту покупку из |
【HANDAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at HANDAN CITY distribution center | |
请自送或邮寄至广州仓。(备注:请不要通过“速尔公司”邮寄, | Please send or mail to the Guangzhou warehouse. (Note: Please don't by the“super company”by mail, |
您的快件已被TJ澳景大厦丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been TJ O king building, Fung nest【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
Arrived To Office | |
Booked on flight | Забронировали билеты на рейс |
到长沙市【长沙转运中心】 | To Changsha【Changsha Transit Center] |
【LISHUI CITY】 Shipment arrive at LISHUI CITY distribution center | 【Города ЛИШУЙ】 доставку при распределении центра города ЛИШУЙ |
Customs cleared and lodged with local Post | Растаможен и подана с местными поста |
Item Arrived at Almaty | |
快件到达北京分拨中心,正在分捡中 ,上一站是北京房山良乡一公司 | The shipment arrives at Beijing distribution center,are sorting ,on a station is Beijing Fangshan liangxiang a company |
【SUZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at SUZHOU CITY distribution center | SUZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at SUZHOU CITY distribution center |
Item Arrived at Turkmenistan | |
【邢台市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | 【Xingtai city bulk mail processing center has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
您的快件已被云柜淀山湖花园美苑41栋【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been cloud Cabinet dianshan Lake Garden beauty Garden 4 building 1【From mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
bzfw | |
Shipment information sent to FedEx | |
快件已到达【浙江义乌公司】 扫描员是【福田1站点】上一站是 | The shipment has arrived [in Yiwu, Zhejiang company] scanning member is [Fukuda 1 site] on a station is |
【BENGBU CITY】 Shipment arrive at BENGBU CITY distribution center | |
您的快件已被GZ保利麓苑格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | Your shipment has been GZ poly Lu Yuan Princess warehouse【from mentioning Cabinet】collection, please take a member. Have a problem please contact a faction member posts |
【YUEYANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at YUEYANG CITY distribution center | |
【中国邮政集团公司扬州市大宗邮件收寄处理中】已收寄(国内经转) | China Post Group Corporation Yangzhou bulk mail acceptance process】have been posting(domestic transit) |
【中国邮政集团公司贵阳市分公司】已封发(国内经转) | 【China Post Group Corporation Guiyang branch】has been dispatched(domestic transit) |
Отправление доставлено получателю, RYABININ ALEKSEY IGOREVICH (05.09.2017 16:30:00) | |
Получатель самостоятельно заберет отправку из офиса КС., Получатель самостоятельно заберет отправку из офиса КС. | |
Груз получен на склад КС, Груз поступил на склад: Склад (Набережные Челны г) | |
Отправление прибыло в город, Груз прибыл: Набережные Челны г (04.09.2017 2:11:25) | |
Отправление выбыло со склада. | |
Отправление подготовлено к отправке, Груз подготовлен к отправке: Москва г -> Набережные Челны г | |
Груз получен на склад КС, Груз поступил на склад: Основной (Москва) | |
Отправление прибыло в город, Груз прибыл: Москва г (31.08.2017 14:37:57) | |
Отправление подготовлено к отправке, Груз подготовлен к отправке: Владивосток г -> Москва г | |
Груз получен на склад КС, Груз поступил на склад: Склад (Владивосток г) | |
Shipment arrived at facility 绥芬河 | |
Зарегистрирована накладная, По документу: , зарегистрирована накладная: ETSSD1008993894YQ | |
Доставлено 16.08.2017 | |
Предыдущие данные с маршрута доставки: Отправление вручено получателю | |
Курьером запланировано время доставки c 17:00 по 18:00 | |
Успешно вручено | |
Отправление выдано курьеру на доставку | |
Посылка прибыла на подразделение Северодонецк | |
Отправление отправлено в направлении города получателя Сєверодонецьк (Агент) | |
Посылка принята подразделением Бахмут (Агент) | |
Отправлено в направлении Сєверодонецьк (Агент) | |
Посылка принята подразделением Харків | |
Ожидает адресата в месте вручения | |
Прибыло в сортировочный центр в стране назначения | |
Прибыло в страну назначения | |
Покинуло транзитную страну | |
Прибыло в транзитную страну | |
Вылетело в страну назначения | |
Передано авиакомпании | |
Принято к перевозке | |
Покинуло сортировочный центр | |
Прибыло в сортировочный центр | |
Принято перевозчиком | |
Ожидание получения посылки от отправителя | |
Электронная регистрация отправления | |
Похоже вы ввели номер заказа Алиэкспресс. Для отслеживания посылки, найдите номер отправления на странице заказа Aliexpress | |
Получено адресатом | |
Прибыло в место вручения | |
Покинуло место международного обмена | |
Передано в доставку по России | |
Покинуло транзитный пункт международного обмена | |
Airline arrive at destination country | |
Выпущено таможней | |
Прием на таможню | |
Прошло регистрацию | |
Прибыло на территорию России | |
Передано в таможню | |
Импорт международной почты | |
Прибыла в Россию | |
Ожидает отправки из Гонконга | |
Экспорт международной почты | |
Принято в отделении связи | |
Принято | |
Arrive at origin post office | |
Информация о заказе получена перевозчиком | |
Вручено адресату | |
Оформлен заказ на доставку в страну назначения | |
Sinotrans-Santiago de Chile-Linehaul Arrival | |
Sinotrans-hangzhou-Hand over to airline :Hand over to airline | |
Sinotrans-HGH-Package Arriving at Air Hub of Sinotrans in China | |
Arrive at transit country or district | |
Airline departed from original country | |
Waiting for pickup | |
Pendiente de entrega. contactar servicio al cliente correoschile | |
Dirección de entrega es insuficiente/incorrecta | |
Envio no pudo ser entregado | |
Envio en reparto | |
Recibido en planta destino | |
Envio despachado | |
Recibido en planta origen | |
Sinotrans--Airlines or trucks Arrived at destination country:ARRIVAL AT INTERNATIONAL HUB | |
Sinotrans-SHENZHEN-Hand over to airline :Hand over to airline | |
Arrive at local delivery office | |
Depart from transit country or district | |
Post office collection. | |
Airline arrived at destination country | |
Shipment operation completed at facility Haicanwei | |
Отправление прибыло в транзитный центр | |
Отправление покинуло транзитный центр | |
Отправление зарегистрировано в транзитном центре | |
Получена информация об отправлении |