TEA Post

Aziatische Logistieke Vennootschap


TEA Post pakket en zending volgen

Transport Europa en Azië Co.Ltd, als China's e-commerce markt, de eerste Russische hoofdstad grensoverschrijdende zakelijke dienstverlenende bedrijven, heeft inherente voordelen en lokale middelen conformiteit vermogen, heeft een volwassen logistiek netwerk, China handelsroutes en een brede industrie , sociale middelen in Rusland, een beter begrip van de Russische markt.

Pakjes zijn iOS en Android app, waarmee u verzendingen kunt bijhouden die geleverd worden door TEA Post.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Download ParcelsApp voor iPhone of Android om altijd te weten waar uw pakketten zijn en druk op meldingen wanneer pakketvolgorde verandert.

TEA Post pakketstatussen

Staat Omschrijving
Shipment information received
Arrived at the sorting center
Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen
Shipment operation completed at facility Erlianhaote
Dispatch received at the sorting center
Russia post in transit
Shipment arrived at facility Erlianhaote
Shipment arrived at facility Guangzhou
Shipment operation completed at facility Guangzhou
Import of international mail
Reception at custom house
Shenzhen,Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen
Shipment arrived at facility Shanghai
Shipment operation completed at facility Shenzhen
Shipment scanned at facility Erlianhaote
Erlianhaote,Shipment arrived at facility Erlianhaote
Erlianhaote,Shipment operation completed at facility Erlianhaote
Kyakhta,Dispatch received at the sorting center
Novosibirsk MMPO Pi-6 630872,Arrived at the sorting center
Shipment arrived at facility Yiwu
Ekaterinburg MMPO Uch-6 620984,Arrived at the sorting center
Guangzhou,Shipment arrived at facility Guangzhou
Customs clearance Released by custom house
Processing Left the place of international exchange
Processing Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation

by tisunov