Laotiaans Postkantoor


+ 856-21 214843

Laotiaans Postkantoor pakket en zending volgen

Met de apppakketjes kunt u de status en de locatie van uw pakket volgen door Laotiaans Postkantoor bijhouden.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Download ParcelsApp voor iPhone of Android om altijd te weten waar uw pakketten zijn en druk op meldingen wanneer pakketvolgorde verandert.

Laotiaans Postkantoor pakketstatussen

Staat Omschrijving
Departure from outward office of exchange
Arrival at inward office of exchange
Arrival at outward office of exchange
Arrival at delivery office
Unsuccessful delivery
Arrival at transit office of exchange
Departure from inward office of exchange
Departure from transit of exchange
Final delivery
Held by Customs
Expect to be deliver in 5-30 day
Ready for hand over
The item has been processed in the country of destination
Shipment departed from airport
Lao People'S Democratic Republic LAVTEA, Export of international mail
Lao People'S Democratic Republic LAVTEA, Reception
Announced data uploaded
Expect to be deliver in 3-5 day
Expect to be deliver in 5-25 day

by tisunov