Il 26/12/2007 Postal Corporation Vietnam ha lanciato ufficialmente in base alla decisione 16/2007 / QD-BBCVT del 15/06/2007 del Ministro delle Informazioni e delle Comunicazioni. È la politica del partito e dello Stato nella divisione di due settori di telecomunicazioni che opera in modo indipendente, creando un attivo ed efficace nel campo dell'ambiente dell'integrazione economica internazionale. Poco dopo ufficialmente entrato in funzione russo Corporation, consolidare, rafforzare i sindacati. Party Corporation è stata ufficialmente costituita e gestita dal 19/5/2008. L'integrazione con altri paesi e regioni in tutto il mondo, negli ultimi anni, il Vietnam Post non ha mai smesso di promuovere, ampliando le partnership con i membri postali dell'Università postale universale (UPU) nei seguenti settori: Servizio postale, gestione della qualità, applicazione della scienza e della tecnologia , commerce e francobolli, il timbro imposta la release generale.
Traccia il carico Messaggio del Vietnam tramite roadbill, nonché le spedizioni postali e corriere provenienti da Cina, Israele, USA, Regno Unito, Italia, Francia, Paesi Bassi.
Stato | Descrizione dello Stato di spedizione |
Item received for processing | |
Order departed on flight from origin | |
Order departed from sorting hub | |
EMC: Đã rời khỏi Ngoại dịch nước gửi (Departure from outward OE [EXPORTED FROM VN]) | |
EMB: Đã đến Ngoại dịch nước gửi (arrival at outward OE) | |
Arrived its destination | |
O - Chờ khai thác (Item ready for export origin) | |
Posted | |
Arrival at delivery office | |
Unsuccessful delivery | |
Delivered | |
Order Shipment recorded | |
Final delivery | |
Arrival at outward OE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232378655TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233535777TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279592064EE | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231417361TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232598020TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232815767TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO233122532TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231124527TW | |
Item Saved | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232124761TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231332502TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: TW682894919VN | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233320555TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232433808TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233271457TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279671005EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231316147TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033258057 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231407863TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233578361TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279606789EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231415961TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233090812TW | |
Arrived its destination KZ Local post tracking number: RR279714077EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231207178TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279442878EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233639030TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232768687TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233815193TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232679806TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232125767TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232738985TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233276091TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279514535EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279585179EE | |
Arrived its destinationKZ Local post tracking number: RR279792865EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233316856TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279612245EE | |
Arrived its destinationUA Local post tracking number: RR280026557EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279506644EE | |
EMG: Đã đến Bưu cục phát (Arrival at delivery post office) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233149331TW | |
EME: Đã giao HQ (handed over to Customs) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232436089TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO233754004TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231820920TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232185142TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279598795EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TW682166822VN | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233661015TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232163717TW | |
Arrived its destinationUA Local post tracking number: RR280060227EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230389284TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033160043 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232361301TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232012270TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231693506TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232534832TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279767123EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233176875TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231099822TW | |
Posted via Bag | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279610871EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231457502TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233656302TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232267725TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233156567TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279491701EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1032991885 | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033160040 | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033689741 | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO233520145TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233430737TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033481621 | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231040186TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233679572TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232397270TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231303585TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033074650 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233799915TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231734700TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233389592TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279705543EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279702520EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279647284EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279785484EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279515080EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279311719EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231950880TW | |
Arrived its destinationUA Local post tracking number: RR279622866EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232758398TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233531069TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232124347TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232981588TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279403239EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230769058TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233054673TW | |
EDB: Trình thủ tục giao HQ (Item presented to import Customs ) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231920344TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO233110980TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO230944004TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232441319TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231872666TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232978884TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232445390TW | |
Arrived its destination KZ Local post tracking number: NO233235772TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232749881TW | |
Arrived its destinationUA Local post tracking number: RR280034006EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231586569TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231607900TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279686549EE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: TR181909088VN | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232910065TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232643625TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231233102TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231548605TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232985908TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233159299TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231880605TW | |
Arrived its destinationBY Local post tracking number: RR279793809EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279619218EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279586982EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033758951 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232743053TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: RR279651465EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232248372TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233719594TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231422891TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231780752TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231085925TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232249015TW | |
Arrived its destination LV Local post tracking number: NO232527859TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231155997TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232126780TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232257255TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TW684841220VN | |
EMK: Khỏi hành từ Ngoại dịch quá cảnh | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230607568TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230948916TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279316319EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231374737TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279536535EE | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: RR279770476EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233273356TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232025931TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233229128TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279376034EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033582000 | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232436132TW | |
EMC: Đã rời khỏi Ngoại dịch nước gửi (Departure from outward OE [EXPORTED FROM RU]) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231795258TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233010788TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231554155TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO232294111TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231191226TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231847803TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279763285EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233180376TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231389555TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233610932TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230965242TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232271305TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231260916TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231284237TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232791368TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233175420TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO230968005TW | |
Arrived at Inbound OE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230987035TW | |
Arrived its destination KZ Local post tracking number: NO233644644TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232093786TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233458355TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231438429TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279462223EE | |
Arrived its destinationBY Local post tracking number: RR279371805EE | |
D2: Đã đến Ngoại dịch làm thủ tục HQ | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO233650931TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231696462TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232434233TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233633575TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231715419TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231649860TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230672601TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233749415TW | |
Arrived its destination MD Local post tracking number: TR181605988VN | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233687335TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231946633TW | |
Arrived its destinationKZ Local post tracking number: RR279688519EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230732628TW | |
Arrived its destination KZ Local post tracking number: NO232730032TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231948651TW | |
EMJ: Đến Ngoại dích quá cảnh | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230780773TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232258410TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231152749TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230434258TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231932387TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231557925TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231759785TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233495211TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231095644TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233204381TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033077686 | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033474604 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233050858TW | |
EMA: Đã chấp nhận gửi (posting / collection) | |
E1: Đang chờ thông quan (EDC) | |
EMC: Đã rời khỏi Ngoại dịch nước gửi (Departure from outward OE [EXPORTED FROM HK]) | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279691671EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231705853TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231100993TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231275164TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233657501TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232563547TW | |
Arrived its destinationUA Local post tracking number: RR280032362EE | |
Arrived its destinationKZ Local post tracking number: RR279723048EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231696051TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231944005TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232671745TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232617007TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO232993419TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279504691EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279478532EE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233361299TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279715497EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233084247TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231461847TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231275235TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033773863 | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231092719TW | |
D1: Đã chuyển tiếp đi Ngoại dịch làm thủ tục HQ | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233317012TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033686596 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231909304TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232825000TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232009956TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231394334TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279434298EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233764488TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231700374TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233608236TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232098046TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232169799TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279547431EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232533528TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279720435EE | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO233253201TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231031286TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279441121EE | |
Đi khỏi bưu cục (departure from PO) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232246703TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279470508EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232667873TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232996004TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279677184EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231714458TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231102800TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279420064EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232171205TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231380145TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232558502TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233656713TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231776483TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231300408TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231324877TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230904932TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1032991592 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233285986TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232620006TW | |
Arrived its destination AM Local post tracking number: NO233429019TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232472333TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231615000TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232122085TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232799605TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232819959TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232074875TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230943998TW | |
StopClock | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279642914EE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233382705TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231211929TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO232532981TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231388740TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233038432TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033758850 | |
EMD: Đã đến Ngoại dịch nước nhận (arrival at inward OE) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233229114TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231712806TW | |
Arrived its destinationUS Local post tracking number: RR279648452EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233442205TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TW682160895VN | |
Arrived its destinationBY Local post tracking number: RR279585655EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231073825TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233636625TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO232445315TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233745400TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231330118TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231688086TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279598521EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232753033TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TR181360225VN | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231693072TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232607755TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279444012EE | |
Đã đến bưu cục (arrival at PO) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TR181374167VN | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231509258TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233059548TW | |
Arrived its destination KZ Local post tracking number: NO233504338TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO231709170TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233588942TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033609405 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230964216TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR280027861EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231207694TW | |
Arrived its destination UZ Local post tracking number: NO231733721TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279542235EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233142112TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: RR279761050EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279793477EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231651086TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033474448 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231417755TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232424236TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232895972TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232668335TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO231096551TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231058964TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO232258595TW | |
Arrived its destinationBY Local post tracking number: RR280060111EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230725675TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233483125TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231808708TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231805587TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232326636TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231205945TW | |
Held by Customs | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: RR280068185EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231285277TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279694386EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233776937TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231678044TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231318655TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033481552 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232995335TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO231332737TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233647795TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232239296TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279492429EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279513027EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232836869TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279778656EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232915456TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231944924TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279424769EE | |
Chấp nhận gửi (posting / collection) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TR181364567VN | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231596172TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232995030TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233577560TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232276342TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO233087169TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231689617TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279523302EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033603525 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233800260TW | |
Arrived its destinationBY Local post tracking number: RR279671204EE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233686542TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231709489TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231796854TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233541211TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279488821EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033268280 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233054191TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231310847TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233083414TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO232191908TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231797015TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231794907TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232801992TW | |
Arrived its destination KZ Local post tracking number: RR279778523EE | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO233115386TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279550308EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231507447TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231799793TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233782331TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TR181373612VN | |
EMI: Đã phát thành công (Delivered); Receiver: (Delivered) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232227752TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TW682859086VN | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231467495TW | |
Departure from inward OE | |
Arrived its destinationUA Local post tracking number: RR280056956EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231737312TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232352273TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233652036TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TW682167289VN | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230975338TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231034251TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233681562TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279763285EE | |
Arrived its destination MD Local post tracking number: RR280072168EE | |
Arrived its destinationUA Local post tracking number: RR279692306EE | |
B-Have to post Foreign Service (ITEM PROCESSED READY FOR EXPORT) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231695325TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033348818 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231478683TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232914606TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231874551TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230923070TW | |
Bag arrived to Import OER OE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231876699TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231281876TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: RR279801553EE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233312633TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279670359EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232861214TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279506539EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231208139TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279436532EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233655253TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231576589TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR280018706EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232222874TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231863275TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232245288TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233400973TW | |
Arrived its destinationUA Local post tracking number: RR279666650EE | |
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Arrived its destination GE Local post tracking number: NO233834833TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO231413648TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR280063492EE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232189025TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231415825TW | |
EMC: Đã rời khỏi Ngoại dịch nước gửi (Departure from outward OE [EXPORTED FROM SG]) | |
Arrived its destination KZ Local post tracking number: RR279786051EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231530658TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO232658854TW | |
Arrived its destination IL Local post tracking number: NO230862866TW | |
Shipment | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231725827TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: TW682169789VN | |
Arrived its destinationUA Local post tracking number: RR280063360EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279582946EE | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: RR279793959EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232027481TW | |
Arrived its destinationUA Local post tracking number: RR280019176EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231035075TW | |
EME: Đã giao Hải quan (Handed over to Customs) | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233469446TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279474805EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231416009TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233787245TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232245566TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231807693TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230864195TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231951939TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231784330TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233330209TW | |
CT Closed go-Departure from outward OE | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231685181TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230982665TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO231846944TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232734927TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233008855TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230413244TW | |
Left outbound OE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231752898TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231000920TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232846676TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233213057TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231755449TW | |
Arrived its destination KG Local post tracking number: NO233347924TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279549171EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231193831TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1032028777 | |
Arrived its destinationBY Local post tracking number: RR279714298EE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233741592TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231684570TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233591535TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231513133TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279682581EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233151785TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO231304413TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279488716EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230726809TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233534737TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230919526TW | |
Arrived its destinationBY Local post tracking number: RR280058550EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232046168TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230730499TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231236109TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO232437552TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232674145TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279525011EE | |
Arrived its destinationUA | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230722400TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231325784TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: RR279793548EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233289081TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO232136835TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: RR279771701EE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO231105315TW | |
EMF: Đã ra khỏi Ngoại dịch (Departure from inward OE) | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR280061995EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279642579EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279720510EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233172012TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230677966TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279582359EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231995271TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230881176TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232659792TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232391008TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233390030TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232335859TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231372360TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232485266TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231310277TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233141681TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231096830TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231334066TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231243498TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279793548EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233580192TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279487888EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TW685124631VN | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033589744 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230674369TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230852965TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231154245TW | |
Arrived its destinationLV Local post tracking number: RR280062735EE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO232536881TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233420638TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231683778TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231485640TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231729126TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233383643TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279705628EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279473345EE | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033760046 | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233647022TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279715965EE | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO233273078TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232497817TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231619885TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232641142TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO232495855TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233235888TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: 1033687412 | |
Arrived its destinationBY | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231502507TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO232819843TW | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233318344TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO231709458TW | |
Arrived its destination UA Local post tracking number: NO233000587TW | |
Arrived its destinationMD Local post tracking number: RR279570965EE | |
EMH: Phát chưa thành công (Attempted / unsuccessful delivery) | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233574890TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231238229TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231842956TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233172454TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO231737096TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO230700568TW | |
Arrived its destinationMD Local post tracking number: RR279688275EE | |
Arrived its destination BY Local post tracking number: NO233847182TW | |
Arrived its destinationRU Local post tracking number: RR279668253EE | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: NO233011885TW | |
Arrived its destination RU Local post tracking number: TR181018347VN |
by tisunov