UPS - United Parcel Service

Servizio di consegna americano

UPS Cerca Spedizioni

Fondata nel 1907, UPS è la più grande società di consegna del pacchetto al mondo e un fornitore leader mondiale di servizi di trasporto e logistica specializzati. L'UPS offre un potente vantaggio competitivo che può aiutare a guadagnare i clienti di ripetizione e sviluppare la tua attività commerciale.

UPS Ricerca Spedizioni

Con più di cento anni di storia, soprannominata “the big brown”, con una flotta di 300 aerei, 100.000 automezzi, 2.000 facility in tutto il mondo, aereoporti dedicati, operante in oltre 220 paesi e territori e con 4,5 miliardi di pacchi consegnati ogni anno, Ups è sicuramente uno degli attori principali sulla scena mondiale per ciò che riguarda la consegna B to B e B to C con una fortissima vocazione al trasporto espresso internazionale e alla logistica.

Compagnia statunitense fondata a Seattle da James E.Casey nel 1907 con 100 dollari chiesti in prestito, denominata inizialmente come “American Messenger Company” poi “Merchants Parcel Delivery” ed infine l’attuale denominazione “United Parcel Service”; ha basato gran parte della sua forza sulla tecnologia avanzata per il settore trasporti e sul continuo sviluppo e miglioramento di quest’ultima ed è divenuto uno dei corrieri espressi più veloci e affidabili del pianeta.

Gestita ai suoi esordi dallo stesso Casey e da un socio in un seminterrato, le consegne venivano effettuate a piedi o in bicicletta e la prima autovettura per il trasporto dei pacchi fù acquistata solo nel 1913.

Nel 2001 UPS ha acquisito il marchio “Mail Boxes etc.”, network mondiale in franchising per servizi di spedizione, entrando di fatto nel settore del commercio al dettaglio; attualmente negli Stati Uniti questi centri hanno cambiato il loro marchio e si chiamano “UPS store”.

Oggi l’azienda che è quotata in borsa a New York, con 450.000 dipendenti in tutto il mondo e l'inconfondibile livrea marrone che caratterizza tutti i suoi automezzi; continua ad essere il vettore più affidabile e all’avanguardia per quel che riguarda l’offerta di servizi di spedizione e logistica connessi al commercio internazionale.

L'applicazione Parcels consente di seguire l'invio di UPS - United Parcel Service e di tutti i pacchetti provenienti da Cina, Hong Kong, Singapore, con AliExpress, Joom, GearBest, BangGood, Taobao, eBay, e altri negozi online popolari.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Scarica l'applicazione Parcels per iPhone o Android per sapere sempre dove sono i tuoi pacchetti e ricevere notifiche push quando le modifiche dello stato di tracciamento delle spedizioni.

UPS - United Parcel Service possibili stati di spedizione

Stato Descrizione dello Stato di spedizione
We've sent the package to UPS lost and found. / The package will be returned to the sender.
We're attempting to verify the package location. / Investigation only
We've scheduled an inspection of the damaged contents and packaging. We'll provide the sender with the results.
Merchandise is missing. UPS will notify the sender with additional details. / Merchandise left with receiver. UPS will notify the sender with details of the damage.
Arrival Scan This scan is an electronic record indicating the shipment has been received at a UPS facility. Shipments may travel through several UPS facilities throughout their journey. The shipment is moving; however, there may be several days between scans if the shipment is going cross-country or moving between countries.
At Local Post Office The package, which displays a UPS Returns® Flexible Access label, has been received by the United States Postal Service®. It will then be given to UPS for delivery back to the original shipper. UPS Returns Flexible Access is a contractual returns service.
Clearance Completed This scan is an electronic record indicating the shipment has cleared customs.
Clearance in Progress This scan is an electronic record indicating the shipment is being processed for customs clearance.
Order Processed: In Transit to UPS The shipment has been processed by the sender. Once the shipment is within the UPS network, an expected delivery date will be made available.
Order Processed: Ready for UPS UPS has received the electronic transmission of the shipment details and billing information for this shipment from the sender. Once the shipment is moving within the UPS network, the tracking status will be updated.
Departure Scan The shipment has departed a UPS facility and is on its way to the next UPS facility. The shipment is moving; however, there may be several days between scans if the shipment is going cross-country or moving between countries.
Origin Scan This scan is the initial electronic record indicating UPS has possession of the shipment.
In Transit Your shipment is moving within the UPS network and should be delivered on the scheduled delivery date. A shipment can remain in this status until it is delivered. Other than time-definite air deliveries, shipments are generally delivered any time between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (and sometimes later) to residences, and by close of business for commercial addresses. UPS cannot schedule a specific delivery time within that window. Up to three delivery attempts will be made, excluding weekends and holidays.
Export Scan This scan is an electronic record indicating the shipment has cleared export procedures in the origin country.
Import Scan This scan is an electronic record indicating the shipment has cleared import procedures in the receiving country.
Dropped off at a UPS Access Point™ Location This scan is an electronic record indicating the shipment is now in the possession of a UPS Access Point location. Once the shipment is moving within our network, we will provide a scheduled delivery date.
Dropped off at The UPS Store® This scan is an electronic record indicating the shipment is now in the possession of The UPS Store. Once the shipment is moving within our network, we will provide a scheduled delivery date.
Delivered The shipment has reached its destination, and the date and time of delivery have been recorded. In the U.S. and Canada, residential deliveries that do not require a signature may be left in a safe place, out of sight and out of weather. This could include the front porch, side door, back porch, or garage area. If you have instructed the driver to leave the shipment with a neighbour or leasing office, the driver will leave a UPS InfoNotice® at the delivery address.
On Vehicle for Delivery/Out for Delivery The shipment has reached the local UPS facility responsible for delivery and has been dispatched to a UPS driver. Other than time-definite air deliveries, shipments are generally delivered any time between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (and sometimes later) to residences, and by close of business for commercial addresses. UPS cannot schedule a specific delivery time within that window. Up to three delivery attempts will be made, excluding weekends and holidays.
Package transferred to post office
Exception: Action Required The shipment is currently within the UPS network; however, more information regarding the delivery address is needed. The sender must provide the correct shipping address information to UPS
Exception Your shipment is currently within the UPS network; however, an unforeseen event has occurred which could result in a change to the scheduled delivery date. If a change in delivery date occurs, the tracking status will be updated to reflect the new delivery date.
Destination Scan The shipment has arrived at the local UPS facility responsible for final delivery.
Returned to Sender The shipment was returned, and UPS has delivered it back to the original sender.
Returning to Sender UPS is returning this shipment to the sender. Reasons may include: 1) A request was made by either the sender or the receiver to return the shipment. 2) The shipment has a Return Service label. 3) The ship to address is a P.O. Box. 4) The address is incorrect.
Returning to Sender: On Vehicle for Delivery The shipment is being returned and is scheduled for delivery back to the original sender.
Shipment Information Voided The UPS tracking number was voided by the sender, and the shipment was not given to UPS. For additional information, contact the sender.
Package delivered by local post office
Transferred to Local Post Office for Delivery As requested by the sender, this shipment has been transferred to the local post office for delivery to the final destination. Allow one to two additional days for delivery.
Received by the local post office
Package processed by international carrier
Package received for processing by UPS Mail Innovations
Shipment information received by UPS Mail Innovations
Package arrived at international carrier
Package departed international carrier facility
The post office attempted to deliver your UPS SurePost® package and left a delivery notice with instructions.

by tisunov