Trasporti Europa e Asia Co.Ltd, Come il mercato dell'e-commerce cinese, il primo capitale russo di servizi transfrontalieri di servizi di imprese, ha vantaggi inerenti e capacità di conformità delle risorse locali, ha sviluppato una rete di logistica matura, le rotte commerciali della Cina e una ricchezza di industria , le risorse sociali in Russia, una migliore comprensione del mercato russo.
Con l'applicazione Parcels, è possibile individuare la posizione esatta dei tuoi pacchetti o spedizioni consegnate da TEA Post.
Stato | Descrizione dello Stato di spedizione |
Shipment information received | |
Arrived at the sorting center | |
Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen | |
Shipment operation completed at facility Erlianhaote | |
Dispatch received at the sorting center | |
Russia post in transit | |
Shipment arrived at facility Erlianhaote | |
Shipment arrived at facility Guangzhou | |
Shipment operation completed at facility Guangzhou | |
Import of international mail | |
Reception at custom house | |
Shenzhen,Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen | |
Shipment arrived at facility Shanghai | |
Shipment operation completed at facility Shenzhen | |
Shipment scanned at facility Erlianhaote | |
Erlianhaote,Shipment arrived at facility Erlianhaote | |
Erlianhaote,Shipment operation completed at facility Erlianhaote | |
Kyakhta,Dispatch received at the sorting center | |
Novosibirsk MMPO Pi-6 630872,Arrived at the sorting center | |
Shipment arrived at facility Yiwu | |
Ekaterinburg MMPO Uch-6 620984,Arrived at the sorting center | |
Guangzhou,Shipment arrived at facility Guangzhou | |
Customs clearance Released by custom house | |
Processing Left the place of international exchange | |
Processing Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation |
by tisunov