Postale Russo

Il servizio postale della Russia


Postale Russo Ricerca Spedizioni Pacchi

L'operatore nazionale postale della Federazione Russa "Russia Post" svolge la ricezione, l'invio e la consegna di spedizioni postali nel territorio della Federazione Russa e in altri Stati. Negli uffici di questo operatore postale nazionale viene formalizzato l'invio e la ricezione di pacchi nazionali e internazionali. Se l'invio di pacchi e di articoli postali viene effettuato in Russia, al pacco viene assegnato un identificativo numerico a 14 cifre composto da cifre e quando all'emissione internazionale è assegnato un numero di identificazione di 13 caratteri (numeri e lettere dell'alfabeto latino). Entrambi i numeri corrispondono allo standard S10 dell'Unione postale universale e il monitoraggio dei pacchetti può essere eseguito sia dal mittente che dal destinatario dell'elemento postale.

Con l'applicazione Parcels, è possibile individuare la posizione esatta dei tuoi pacchetti o spedizioni consegnate da Postale Russo.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Scarica l'applicazione Parcels per iPhone o Android per sapere sempre dove sono i tuoi pacchetti e ricevere notifiche push quando le modifiche dello stato di tracciamento delle spedizioni.

Postale Russo possibili stati di spedizione

Stato Descrizione dello Stato di spedizione
Shipment scanned at facility Erlianhaote
Return,Other circumstances
Undeliverable in destination country
Processing,Arrived at the place of delivery
Arrive at origin post office
Parcel arrived at exchange office
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: RU)
Despatched to overseas
Arrive at facility
Depart from facility
Information Received
Shipment operation completed
Shipment arrived at facility
Item not picked up by courier
Item held by Customs Others
Item processed Russian Fed.
Item processed at Russian Fed.
Item processed at Russian Fed.
GMTC, Departed transit country
GMTC, Arrived in transit country
HONG KONG, Departed Hong Kong Airport
Departed Sunyou Facility
Awaiting release from Malaysia
Item posted over the counter
RUSSIAN FEDERATION Arrival at Destination country
Initial item information received
Delivery Delivery to the addressee
Processing Arrival at delivery office
Processing Departure from inward office of exchange
Processing Arrival at inward office of exchange
Processing Departure from transit office of exchange
Customs clearance Released by custom house
Handed over to customs
Import of international mail
Processing Arrived at the territory of Russian Federation
Left the sorting center
Export of international mail
Processing Arrival at transit office of exchange
Information received
Shipment operation completed at facility Shenzhen
Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen
Shipment information received
Arrive at local delivery office
Depart from transit country or district
Arrive at transit country or district
Post office collection.
Airline arrived at destination country
Waiting for pickup
In consegna
Mancata consegna per destinatario assente
Partito dal Centro Scambi Internazionale
In corso la verifica doganale
In lavorazione presso il Centro Scambi Internazionale
In transito presso il Centro Operativo Postale
In lavorazione presso il Centro Operativo Postale
Processing Arrived at the place of delivery
Arrived at the place of delivery
Processing Left the sorting center
Processing Sorting
Processing Arrived at the sorting center
Processing Left the place of international exchange
Processing Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation
Processing Arrived at the place of international exchange
Arrived at the place of international exchange
Sent to Russia
Received for mailing and was forwarded for processing
Final delivery
Processing at delivery Post Office
Absence. Attempted delivery.
The request of re-delivery was received.
Departure from inward office of exchange
Held by import Customs
Arrival at over land transport
Dispatch to overland transport
Arrival at inward office of exchange
Dispatch from outward office of exchange
Item returned from export Customs
Item presented to export Customs
Arrival at outward office of exchange
Airline departed from original country
Import clearance success
Reception at custom house
Shipment operation completed at facility Erlianhaote
Left the Shenzhen operations center
The item is pre-advidsed
Ready for pickup at delivery place
Departed from local distribution center
Arrived at the local distribution center
Handed over to the customs
Released from RF customs
Forwarded for delivery within Russian Federation
Arrived to Russian Federation
Arrived at the Post office
Arrived at the customs of Azerbaijan
Awaiting release from Azerbaijan
The item left the Hongkong air port
Arrived at the Hongkong air port
Receive item at office of exchange (Inb)
Receive item at office of exchange (Otb)

by tisunov