Ninja Van Philippines

Ninja Van Philippines Tracking packages and shipments

When will I receive my item?

Estimated time of arrival for your item would depend on a couple of things. The first would be the type of delivery service chosen upon checkout of your order. The second factor would be where your delivery address would be. Please refer below for each area:

Metro Manila - 1 to 3 Working Days

Greater Metro Manila - 3 to 5 Working Days

Provincial Areas - 7 Working Days

The standard delivery time is between 9 AM to 10 PM. This means that there is no guarantee that a rider will be able to deliver your parcel at a specific time requested.

Ninja Van operates from Monday to Saturday excluding Public Holidays.

In the event that delivery fails, you will receive a message via email or SMS to reschedule your delivery. The soonest you may reschedule your delivery would be the next working day.

Track the Ninja Van Philippines cargo using waybill, as well as any postal and courier shipment from China, Israel, USA, UK, Italy, France, Netherlands.

Parcels on iPhone and Android

Download Parcels app for iPhone or Android to always know where your packages are, and get Push notifications when package tracking changes.

by tisunov