Korea EPost is the national postal service of South Korea, under the authority of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, formerly Ministry of Knowledge Economy until 2013. Korea Post is in charge of postal service, postal banking and insurance services.
Its headquarters is in the Gwanghwamun Post Office, near the MIC Building on Sejongno in Seoul. The cyber market place that offer goods or service to the user and trade each other by information technique tool with Korea Post Sets.
The cyber post portal site that offers post service conveniently and safely such as Postal, Shipping, EMS, Shopping, Open market which provide services from the post office via internet without visiting post office.
The ePOST offers an integrated account (ID and password) which can use ePOST services, and in the near future, develop new services which combines information technique continuously for customer service improvement and realize the new post office model in the internet times.
24 hours and 365 days, there is non-stop service substitute for the post office, and there is various business connection with Post-Net. At any time, any where you can use ePOST if internet is available so there is no restriction of time and space.
Parcels app will help you track the status and location of your parcel delivered by South Korea Post.
Status | Description |
발송 | |
도착 | |
발송교환국에 도착 | |
접수 | |
발송준비 | |
운송사 인계 | |
통관 | |
교환국 도착 | |
통관 및 분류 | |
배달완료 | |
발송교환국에도착 | |
운송업체인계 | |
미배달 | |
접수취소 | |
항공사 인수 | |
통관검사대기 | |
항공기 출발(예정,한국시간) | |
상대국 도착 | |
상대국 인계 | |
발송완료 | |
선박출항(예정)일 | |
반송 | |
배달준비 |
by tisunov