Welcome to the ParcelsApp Track & Trace site which provides visibility on shipments handled by DHL Global Forwarding, DHL Freight.
For DHL Global Forwarding Airfreight Masterbill shipment tracking, please enter the 3-digit carrier code, followed by space or dash (-), followed by the 8-digit masterbill number, for example 125-12345678 or 125 12345678.
For DHL Global Forwarding US DOMESTIC shipment tracking please enter the origin airport code (three alphas) followed by numerics with no spaces in between (AAANNNNNNN), for example SEA1234567, LAX1234567.
Track your shipment by entering air waybill or shipment tracking code.
DGF means DHL Global Forwarding.
Our public Track & Trace site provides visibility on shipments handled by DHL Global Forwarding, DHL Freight.
Have your DHL tracking number at hand to track and trace and enter it into search field above on this page.
DHL Global Forwarding, formerly known as DHL Danzas Air & Ocean, is a division of Deutsche Post DHL providing air and ocean freight forwarding services. It also plans and undertakes major logistics projects under the brand name DHL Industrial Projects.
The Forwarding division carries goods by rail, road, air and sea under the DHL brand and includes the DHL Freight operation which runs a ground-based freight network covering Europe, Russia and traffic into the Middle East
With the help of the Parcels app, you can find out the exact location of your parcel or shipments delivered by "DHL Global Forwarding" in a few seconds.
by tisunov