The easiest way is to enter tracking number you received from the seller or online shop into the tracking field above.
You can also click through to the official website of courier company and try to find information yourself, navigating new website each time you encounter unfamiliar tracking number, translating information to your native language and finding out which company delivers package to your door.
With your package is automatically tracked with all relevant couriers and in most cases last mile tracking number if found and tracked all the way from the origin country to your door.
Delivery time varies by the origin country, courier and postal companies involved, and destination country transit.
Sending a package from one country to another is like a big adventure for your item! Let's break it down into easy steps:
The time all this takes can be different depending on a few things: accumulates statistics for most common types of packages and can estimate with 50-80% accuracy delivery timeframe for your packages given that last mile tracking number is provided by the origin carrier.
It's a common worry when your package seems to vanish into thin air - at least according to the tracking information. But fear not! There are several reasons why your tracking might not be updating, and most of them are perfectly normal.
Imagine your package on a long road trip. It's cruising down the highway, but there aren't any pit stops for miles. That's often what's happening when your tracking goes quiet. Your package is simply in transit between major checkpoints. This is especially true for international shipments or those covering vast distances. Your package might be sailing across an ocean or flying high above the clouds, far from any scanning devices.
Now, picture the post office during the holidays. It's bustling with activity, packages piled high, and workers rushing to keep up. During these peak times, like major shopping events or holidays, tracking updates can lag behind. Your package is still moving, but the sheer volume of shipments means it might not get scanned as frequently.
If your package is crossing borders, it might hit a pause button at customs. Think of customs as a strict bouncer at an exclusive club. They're checking every package carefully, which can take time. During this process, your tracking might not update for days or even weeks. Don't worry - this is normal for international shipments.
Sometimes, the issue isn't with your package at all, but with the tracking system itself. Like any technology, these systems can experience glitches. Your package might have been scanned, but that information is stuck in digital traffic, waiting to reach the tracking website you're refreshing every five minutes.
Weekends and holidays can create a tracking dead zone. Many shipping operations slow down or stop completely during these times. It's like your package is taking a little vacation too. Come Monday, you'll likely see a flurry of updates as everything gets moving again.
While a lack of updates is usually nothing to worry about, there are times when you might want to investigate further. If domestic shipments go dark for more than a week, or international ones for more than two weeks, it's worth reaching out to the shipping company. The same goes if the estimated delivery date has long passed with no sign of your package.
If you're concerned, don't hesitate to contact the shipping company. They have access to more detailed information and can often provide reassurance or actiong when needed. Remember, patience is key in the world of shipping. More often than not, your package is steadily making its way to you, even if the tracking doesn't reflect every step of its journey.
Finding out if your package is stuck in customs can be a bit tricky, but here are some steps you can take:
Common reasons for customs delays:
Remember: If your package is stuck in customs, it's usually not lost. It's just going through necessary checks and processes.
If you've confirmed your package is stuck in customs, you may need to:
Tip: Always keep your tracking number handy and don't hesitate to reach out to the shipping company for assistance. They're often your best resource for navigating customs issues.
Pakete App ermöglicht es Ihnen, das Senden von JNE, sowie alle Pakete aus China, Hong Kong, Singapur, mit AliExpress, Joom, GearBest, BangGood, Taobao, eBay, und anderen beliebten Online-Shops zu verfolgen.
Status | Description |
DEPARTED FROM TRANSIT [SURABAYA GATEWAY,SGD] | Paket sedang dikirim untuk transit ke kota berikutnya. |
PROCESSED AT SORTING CENTER [DENPASAR] | Paket sudah disortir dan dalam proses untuk dikirim ke tempat selanjutnya. |
RECEIVED AT SORTING CENTER [DENPASAR] | Paket kiriman sedang disortir sebelum dikirim. |
WITH DELIVERY COURIER [DENPASAR] | Paket sedang diantar kurir ke alamat tujuan. |
RECEIVED AT WAREHOUSE [DENPASAR] | Paket sudah tiba di gudang JNE terdekat dengan kota tujuan. |
RECEIVED ON DESTINATION | Paket sudah diterima di kota tujuan pengiriman, namun masih belum dikirim ke alamat tujuan. |
RECEIVED AT ORIGIN GATEWAY [GATEWAY JAKARTA] | Paket sudah diterima di gudang jalur terkait dan akan diteruskan ke gudang pusat di kota tujuan. |
MANIFESTED | Paket sudah diterima di kantor JNE asal pengiriman, dan sudah masuk ke dalam daftar pengiriman. |
ON PROCESS | Paket sedang diproses untuk pengiriman. |
POD DETAIL (Process On Delivery Detail) | Paket sedang/akan diantarkan oleh kurir. |
ON TRANSIT | Paket sedang dalam proses transit di kota lain. |
DELIVERED TO | Paket sudah sampai dan diterima di tempat tujuan. Nama penerima paket biasanya akan dicantumkan. |
SHIPMENT FORWARDED TO DESTINATION | Paket dikirim ke kantor JNE terdekat di kota tujuan. |
RETUR ORIGIN | Paket dikembalikan ke pengirim |
CNEEE UNKNOWN (Consignee Unknown) | Paket sudah diantarkan ke alamat tujuan tetapi nama penerima paket tidak sesuai atau tidak ditemukan, bisa jadi karena kesalahan penulisan nama atau alamat saat mengirimkan paket. |
AU (Antar Ulang) | Paket sedang diproses untuk antar ulang, karena tidak terkirim di hari sebelumnya |
AU TO OPS | Paket sedang diserahkan dari bagian undelivery yang menangani masalah kiriman ke bagian operasional untuk diantarkan ulang ke alamat yang benar. |
BA (Bad Address) | Alamat yang tertera di paket kurang lengkap atau kurang jelas, sehingga pihak kurir kesulitan mencari alamat tujuan. |
BOX UNDEL (Box Undelivered) | Paket sudah diantarkan ke tujuan tetapi tidak ada orang di tempat, atau tidak ada respon ketika kurir menghubungi nomor telepon yang tercantum. |
CC (Criss Cross) | Paket yang dikirim tertukar dengan paket lain. |
CLOSED ONCE DELIVERY ATTEMPT | Kurir sudah tiba di alamat tujuan tetapi tempat tujuan sedang tutup atau salah. Jika muncul status ini, sebaiknya hubungi kantor cabang JNE terdekat. |
CNEEE UNKNOWN (Consignee Unknown) | Paket sudah diantarkan ke alamat tujuan tetapi nama penerima paket tidak sesuai atau tidak ditemukan, bisa jadi karena kesalahan penulisan nama atau alamat saat mengirimkan paket. |
HO (Hand Over) | Paket sedang diserahkan ke pihak lain untuk diteruskan, biasanya adalah agen JNE yang lebih dekat dengan alamat tujuan. |
HO TO HVS (Hand Over to High Value Shipment) | Paket yang dikirimkan termasuk kategori benda berharga atau bernilai tinggi. Karena itu paket sedang diurus oleh bagian khusus yang menangani barang berharga. |
HOLD | Paket sedang ditahan oleh pihak JNE, silahkank hubungi kantor JNE terdekat untuk informasi lebih lanjut. |
HOLD RUSAK | Paket sedang ditahan oleh pihak JNE karena ada kerusakan. |
HVS (High Value Shipment) | Barang yang dikirimkan termasuk kategori benda berharga atau bernilai tinggi. |
INVALID BAG | Paket tersasar ke jalur yang salah akibat masuk ke tas yang salah. Silahkan tunggu sampai ada update status berikutnya dari pihak JNE. |
LBA (Luar Batas Antar) | Lokasi tujuan akhir paket berada di luar zona jangkauan dari JNE. Ini biasanya karena alamat terletak di lokasi terpencil. Silahkan hubungi kantor cabang JNE setempat untuk mengambil paket. |
MR (Misroute) | Terjadi kesalahan jalur dalam pengiriman paket. |
NTH (Not at Home) | Saat kurir JNE mengantarkan paket ke alamat tujuan, tidak ada orang yang menerima paket. |
by tisunov